Thirty Seven

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It wasn't long before Amelia's phone was ringing.

"Hello?" She answered.

"Amelia, I don't know where he went," Cami voice rang through the phone.

"What do you mean you don't know where he went?" Amelia cried.

"I mean that one moment he was next to me, reliving the night his father came to town, and the next he's gone," Cami explained, her voice growing more and more worried. "He said that he's going to end them. You have to do something!"

"I'm doing all I can Camille. Do you have any idea where he would go?" Amelia asked, as she paced in her spot, wracking her brain for Nik's possible whereabouts.

"Probably the cemetery, I don't know. He was saying a bunch of stuff about how Marcel and Rebekah would need a spell to protect them, and how Davina could help them," Cami said.

"Thank you Cami. I'll call you later," Amelia said, before hanging up and vamp speeding away, making her way to the cemetery.


She found Elijah and Celeste in the cemetery and rolled her eyes. She had suffered enough of this for one day, but she remained in her path towards them,

"It's a myth, Elijah. A myth I died for," Celeste cried.

"And yet here you stand alive... For now," Elijah said.

"Is that a threat? Oh, there's always another pretty, young body for me to jump into. From now on, every time you feel a connection to a woman, you'll be forced to wonder if it's me," Celeste threatens. As she talks, she backs away towards the entrance."You'll trust no one and spend the rest of eternity alone. She crosses the threshold, and when Elijah tries to run after her, he's stopped by an invisible barrier. "Hahaha! Hahaha!" Celeste laughs as he falls to the ground. "I'm afraid you're trapped. Boundary spell. The Originals can enter, but they can't leave." Amelia runs over to Elijah in horror, and helps him up, then in turn tries to exit herself. But she receives the same results.

"You wouldn't," Elijah threatened.

"I would, and I did," Celeste said, proudly. "Don't worry. It's a lunar spell. You'll be free by the next moonrise. My guess is, your sister won't last that long." She continues to smirk. "Ah, while this body has been a hell of a lot of fun, I do think it's time I find someone else to play in, don't you?"

Celeste bends down and picks up a candle in a glass jar on the ground. She smashes it against a tree and picks up a shard of glass. She then stabs it into her/Sabine's neck. She coughs as she falls dead to the ground. Suddenly, Monique comes out of the shadows, looking disappointed that she was wrong about Celeste.

"You were right," Monique said. Monique points toward the tunnels, revealing to Elijah and Amelia that she had performed the spell he gave her. Elijah and Amelia make their way into the tunnel to find Celeste waking up in her own body.

"Hello, Celeste," Amelia said, a large smirk on her face.

"How is this possible?" Celeste asked as she backed away from the two of them as the came closer.

"Monique Deveraux and I had a little wager regarding your ability to keep a promise. It appears I won. You were so consumed with my downfall, that you lost the trust of one of your own," Elijah told her, and Amelia watched in amusement as Celeste scrambled backwards away from Elijah.

"Non. Mon cheri, non. Tout est possible. Ce n'est pas fini. Aah!" Celeste cried as Elijah stabbed Papa Tunde's blade into her chest.

"Désolé," Elijah responded as she dropped dead to the floor. Elijah caught his breath and then turned to Amelia who was staring at him intently. She could read the expression in his eyes, and opened her arms.

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