"She's five."

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Black hair swung and swayed as the wind moved it but Hooch seemed to be determined. Her blue and swaggering robes seemed to be caught in the wind as well but nothing was commented on as the older professor looked pointedly. "All you have to say is 'up'." The woman spoke as her short hair was sticking firmly to her head. The gel kept it in place and it seemed that the wind wouldn't go against her.

"Up." Was spoken once but nothing happened. That seemed to make no difference to Beatriz as she then spoke it again, and again, and again. The repetition grew to be a little old but a little wiggle was seen from the broom for a few of the words.

"I told your mother that this is a vital part of playing Quidditch, of passing the year and flying a broom. It is the first thing that you learn in your class, that doesn't mean it is easy and when your mother is here again I am sure that she will be glad of you and your work." Beatriz didn't fully understand what she had said but nodded along, after ten more tries, the broom lifted and a smile as wide as Beatriz's face was developed.

"Rolanda. Your first-year lesson is due to start very soon and I am due to care for the child next but I am unfortunately needed elsewhere. Come along now, Sherbet." Beatriz frowned but obeyed a little slowly as Albus walked towards the gates. Hooch watched on until they left and attended to her work again.

"Where is mummy?" Beatriz innocently asked as she ran up to meet Albus who was walking at a great pace to the gate. She linked her fingers in with his as she spoke and let him pull her along a little.

"She has gone to go and see your daddy. Remember when we spoke about this? Daddy is living on a farm in the sky." At this Beatriz went quiet and held his hand tightly for a brief moment as she waited to see what was about to happen. All she knew was that he held her tightly against him and a wave of nausea washed all over her until he allowed her to slip into the grass that hit both of their legs.

Beatriz walked around her and explored the space at her fingertips. Bushes marked out the edging to all of the fields whilst wheat grew amongst it all. Albus was in a bit of a rush but waited for only a second as he watched her. Quickly, she had been pulled from the field and the pair walked towards one of the lanes around them. A small cart with flowers growing from it was seen and it had clearly been abandoned but it looked lovely. Purple flowers popping from the cracks in the wood and green covering it.

The dirt track meant that the child could be seen at all times and so Albus was more at ease whilst he waited to meet his friend. The approach of Edward made Albus draw his eyes up to him as he got to his side. The pair shook hands and exchanged pleasantries until they planned to leave.

"Sherbet," Albus called but no voice carried through and the pitter-patter of tiny feet didn't meet his ears making a hint of worry flicker through him. Edward had no clue what was going on but saw that blue eyes set to the surroundings rather quickly.

"Who is Sherbet?" Edward suddenly asked and his thick Arabic accent was heard properly as his mind filled with intrigue at the man slowly walking about the place. He was slowly walking so clearly it wasn't too desperate.

"Minerva's daughter." Edward knew Minerva and had seen the way that she had behaved about her as a baby. Protective didn't quite cover how she really behaved and felt about her.

"Beatriz? Oh, goodness." Was spoken with far more panic in his voice than Albus had spoken with. Fear of her reaction was the main reason behind it as the woman wasn't known for being gentle or lenient when it came to the treatment of her pride and joy in life.

Meanwhile, Beatriz was having quite a splendid walk amongst another field. The wheat was higher and whiter making the black stand out even more to the eye. Her mind was caught up considerably but it was no bother as she was in a field with no tractor in use and no roads nearby. A loud voice was heard though and it made her jump before looking up.

"What der you wan'?" A heavy Scottish accent was heard but Beatriz was accustomed to her mother so it didn't sound odd to her. "W'ere is yer ma?" He spoke again and Beatriz was a little confused why he was so upset with her but she thought it best to answer him.

"Mummy is visiting daddy." The man squinted his eyes for a second before pursing his lips and then he seemed to look her up and down. Hesitation about what he would have to do next was seen in his face but she didn't notice it.

"An' w'ere is yer pops?" He grunted out at her and the light tune was cast to him in response to his rude tune.

"He lives on a farm up there. In the sky." A slick and tiny finger pointed right above her and his eyes set to almost cry. He had just heard something that hurt his heart a little too hard. Death of a loved one. "Mummy missed him so I am with Albus now. He is looking after me." The man rested on his knees and felt unsure. She may have lost just one or both of her parents and the man she had mentioned wasn't even close by.

"Mr Albus?" He asked and stuck a hand out for her to take. She seemed hesitant and her hands stuck to the wheat around her. It was as tall as she was.

"Albus said, um, Albus said that it isn't good to follow strange people because he, he says that people will hurt me. He said that mummy would never let him forget it because she says that she doesn't have other people but that isn't true because she has lots of, um, she has lots of people. Like Poppy and Albus and she has Po, all of the teachers at school like her because of all the work she does and what a good teacher that she is." Beatriz had fumbled and blabbered as her eyes darted from his hand up to his face and then back like she didn't know where to look or how to act.

"Well, she seems very lucky to have you. W'ere do you live?" Beatriz shrugged and sat just like how the man did. They had taken up a small portion of land to speak to one another.

"I don't know. I live in Scotland in a school but it is a weird name. Albus brought me here but I don't know where I am and all I can 'umember is the flowers that like, grew in the wood thing." Her description wasn't enough and he was drawing a blank. Police may never find her family and that seemed to be the worst thing to happen.

"Ay, well, could yer name be Beatriz?" The little girl nodded and looked up. The strange man had learnt her name and she had no clue how he had done it but she didn't seem too fussed by this. When she had turned flowing robes were seen and immediately the tiny body was lifted and the little girl was lifted into strong arms. It wasn't until the two men had spoken that Beatriz dared to speak but the man dressed in tatty clothes, dark hair and skin a few shades darker when he smiled she did too. A wave was given to her and then it was returned to him shyly.

Albus spoke briefly to his friend who had helped him search before parting ways. Hopes of not having to bring up the loss of the child were felt but he knew that she would find out or he would give in to the guilt of lying to save his pride. Not that it would matter much as she would most likely talk about all of her fun adventures in fields with strange men, or man. The pair had made it to the castle quickly, when they got to the doors, Minerva was fretting with her foot tapping and hands fidgeting as she waited to see her child again.

"Thank you, Albus, I assume she wasn't too bad for you. Now Sherbet, what did you get up to today?" Albus had no chance to tell her and she seemed eager to get Beatriz back into her arms and in a space where they could be together. Minerva was sure to rush in life but when it came to Beatriz nothing was rushed but as school hit out more, less time was spent with the child. It had actually been Minerva who asked to leave the child behind whilst she visited Urquart. A life she found difficult to think back on, less so due to the loss but the world had changed so drastically since then. Lilly and James had died. It was possible but never had the survival of the baby been taken into account in such a way.

"Actually Minerva, Beatriz ran off, meeting a lovely farmer who I learnt to be Mr Matthew Williams. She didn't follow him but they sat in a field and spoke to one another. She was quite quick and I was unable to even see her leave. Yet she had made it all the way to one of the fields. Tricky one that one." Minerva turned all attention onto the man and his words, humour and laughter were heard in his voice whilst he spoke on the matter. As if he hadn't just admitted to losing her pride and joy.

"She is five and can't put her own shoes on the right feet. Don't tell me that she outsmarted the greatest wizard to have ever lived." Minerva didn't believe a word that he spoke about what had happened at first and then she watched his honest face and huffed out, walking into the castle with Beatriz playing with her mother's hat, putting it on and sticking her hands in it. Minerva had given up the constant battle of taking the hat from her.

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