Second Year Sparks.

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The night seemed to refuse to come to an end but Beatriz soon found herself walking to her Common Room and nearly falling asleep as she did so. In a last-second occurrence though she found that the autopilot that her body had entered was wrong. The door to her mother's room stood in the shadows. Before growing upset, she sighed out and then pushed on to see her mother. As the door had opened though she saw that both the Headmaster and her mother were talking.

"It hasn't even been a day yet." Was sighed out with disbelief but as soon as Beatriz was spotted a smile grew on the older woman's face.

"Mum. Hermione won't shut up about Harry. Where is he?" Slowly eyes closed and Beatriz was shown out of the room while the three walked.

"Come with us and you will see but I do have a choice to make. Some rules were broken by my students and Severus hasn't taken their rule-breaking well. I wouldn't be in the wrong to expel them. What would you do?" Beatriz didn't like the secrecy but also knew that she would undoubtedly hear about it from others. Expulsion wouldn't be kept a secret for long.

"Well, if they did it for the right reasons then why should they be expelled? If they hurt someone then it depends, if it was bad then maybe but if it wasn't meant and if it wasn't bad then of course not. They should be allowed to stay." A smile met the two adults as they walked in the direction of Snape's office.

"Silence...I assure you that were you in Slytherin and your fate rested with me, the both of you would be on the train home, tonight. As it is..." Snape was stood looking into both of their souls as the three newcomers entered.

"They are not." The raspy voice of the Headmaster filled the room as Snape was brought down from the anger that he was spewing at the boys.

"Professor Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall." Harry had barely finished when Snape took over the conversation.

"Headmaster," Snape's hand lifted and an outstretched finger was given in the direction of the boys who were still shaken from their previous actions, "these boys have flouted the decree for the restriction of underage wizardry, as such..." the rant that Snape had prepared was forced to a stop and Dumbledore stepped forward and spoke.

"I am well aware of our bylaws Severus, having written quite a few of them myself. However, as head of Gryffindor house, it is for Professor McGonagall to determine the appropriate action." Snape had wound his head back in but his lips were still twitching to lecture them a little more.

"We'll go and get our stuff then," Ron admitted with defeat and his usually clumsy steps became a little sadder, only one step could be made before McGonagall could speak though.

"What are you talking about, Mr Weasley?" Her voice was serious but she knew full well what he was talking about.

"You're going to expel us aren't you." He didn't question it but rather stated what he thought he knew she would do.

"Not today Mr Weasley, but I must impress on the both of you the seriousness of what you have done. I will be writing to your families tonight and you will both receive detention." McGonagall had finished speaking and both of the boys turned to monitor the man who was apparently just as mad as he had been before.

Nothing else had to be said as the pair left with both of the professors following. As the group was leaving though Snape's onyx eyes caught sight of the small girl with raven hair like her mother. Her emerald eyes also met him and his eyes narrowed in disgust before finally she turned fully and walked back with the others.

"Hermione has been worried sick for you two. What happened to you? How did you 'flout' the laws that govern us?" Her smirk only lasted a second as the three all began to laugh, only stopping and smiling when the two professors turned back around and looked at them carefully.

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