For the First Time.

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School years always seemed to pass quickly, magic stirred through the castle and trouble was bound to be encountered. Beatriz was always stirring something and it always seemed to involve the trouble students, the ones that would bite back in the cruel ways, the ones that made Filch really work for his wage. The cleanups were unbearable if Beatriz was feeling wronged or if she was feeling bored and no matter the efforts of Minerva she seemed to only be getting worse. It was actually mischief that brought her to see her mother.

"Mummy, I'm bored. Can we go out?" Minerva merely glanced at her and then looked back at the words written on parchment. Some students struggled with the work that Minerva set out for them. Beatriz was smart but her powers were, if ever proven, stronger than natural. People around were always amazed by her when she acted out as something unexpected would always happen to her surroundings. Trials of Minerva's will power were had daily but that made Beatriz who she was so Minerva wouldn't change her for the world. No love nor money would stop her from loving the girl she considered a blessing, however, Beatriz was always careful of those she surrounded herself with. It was as if she feared others' reactions to her. Like Beatriz could be hurt by them, unfortunately, when a girl gets in as much trouble as she did they all knew her well enough, not that she was ever caught by the adults red-handed or at all, they knew it was her though as students talked and evidence was almost always found by the unfortunate soul who happened upon it first.

"After Your actions this morning, I think not. Why don't you just distract yourself with what you always do, we can read a book together if you want?" Beatriz did love to read but the long words really hurt her brain, she knew that she needed to learn them to be smart in the future. So with that, she walked all the way to the other room and then pulled out a book she hadn't read yet. It was thin and a tall witch covered the front. When she looked at the pages none of the words looked to be long so she carried it through to the office and sat on the other side of the desk, placing the book down and she started to read to her mother.

"P-i-p Pip, the b-i-n-s bins are s-m-e-l-l-y smeely." As she said this though Minerva looked up and gave one of her distant glances to the girl before smiling.

"Try again, Sherbet." The word was approached once again by Beatriz but she really just couldn't do it. Her eye focused and her hands fidgeted. Something Beatriz always did when she had to focus, move like she would die if she stopped. Her mind was clearly working at the letters as they were heard as a whisper from time to time. Minerva would normally help her but it was something about the way that she spoke that put a stop to Minerva doing that.

"Smelly." Finally dropped out and Minerva watched on as the girl moved on. The book wasn't difficult for most but she had barely learnt her alphabet. The ten pages and 30 words were at an end quickly though so the book was placed back to the shelf and then Beatriz walked around lazily. It was going to be a boring day for her.

"Mummy, I'm hungry." Was whined out as she walked around the room some more. The sound of quill on paper was still heard and Beatriz stomped her feet a little harder. The shoes hit and Beatriz continued to moan and grumble. Fortunately or not, Minerva was able to handle the comments as she had been with students for years.

"Don't touch that." Minerva quickly spoke and it made Beatriz jump, her legs stumbling back for a second before she whined some more. Constant and repetitive phrases were given, eventually, Beatriz took to laying on her back and kicking her feet down as the floor was solid and so sent back an echo into the room. With every stomp though Minerva found that the letter she was writing became covered in thick piles of ink. The ink was leaving the quill as she found that it was lifting and smacking in the same rhythm as the stomps. Whether she knew it or not, Beatriz was using magic and her young age was a little small but she was a determined girl. There had been instances before where she believed that Beatriz had used magic but students could have done it and some things could be put down to wind, but there was no mistaking that magic. Hooch had spoken of the broom responding to her but Minerva wasn't sure.

Little Miss McGonagall.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ