Child on the Brink.

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Minerva was ready, she had washed, dressed and set her lessons all out. The day was a full one for her to endure but one thing was off. Her daughter wasn't up, wasn't begging for breakfast or shouting about how cruel life had been for her. Something was all wrong. After a moment of thought though Minerva had no time to go in as Beatriz walked out. Hand rubbing her eye and pyjamas twisted around her body from the turning in the night.

"Hello, Sherbet. Shall we go to eat?" The little girl then nodded and felt the change as her clothes appeared around her. The patterned pyjamas were lost and a yellow dress was on, turquoise tights that looked to be a little shaded and brown boots. The dress was a short one but her little hands could play with the hem as she walked. Eventually, though, one hand was placed into her mother's.

Once in the hall, Snape was seen and a memory was flushed into Beatriz's mind as she saw him and as soon as they sat down, the child being sat beside him as well, she spoke to her mother. It was childish and light as this happened. The words struggling to form properly.

"Mummy, Seve... Severu... Sev'rus taught me a word yesterday. It is a book, um it is a way to talk about a book." The smile on the little face lightened Minerva and she looked on, waiting to hear what this word was. Snape, however, finally recalled what he had said and the thought of Minerva lecturing him was a little harsher than the idea of being jinxed. As he pondered on the thought of jinxing himself a tiny voice spoke and he figured that it was bound to be made public eventually. "Fucking." She had spoken so proudly, so merrily and a smile crossed the face of those who had heard it, well most of their faces. Minerva looked stricken and it was safe to say Snape looked like he had been jinxed after all.

"My dear, we do not say that word. It is a bad word that Snape should not have said and words like that make me sad when you say them. My Sherbet is not a girl who says those words." Minerva had never reacted like that before to anything that Beatriz had said and it confused the little girl but she thought it over.

"But it's just a word. Like pretty, you pick a pretty book or you pick a fucking book." She had said it again and the reaction was the same as the first time. Smiles and some of the close by students snickered as she did this and Minerva felt anger and embarrassment rise. It didn't last for long as she corrected her little one and then changed the subject. Snape being even quieter than usual.

After the unfortunate meal, the staff parted ways and students headed to dorms or classes. The halls filled with passersby and eventually the day hit into the usual swing. Teachers droning on about stuff that a few students listened to and homework was assigned to all. Goals had been made by most students to do all of the studying that they could but it never quite worked out for them. They would put it off, work all night before exams and stress all day. Clearly, life in the school wasn't as carefree as many had believed it to be.

"Professor?" The voice brought the woman out of her reverie and slowly she looked at who had spoken to her. When he had been spotted she stood and walked over to him. A little girl sat at the front of the class, the hat on her head and a crayon in her little hand. In the time that the boy had been walked up to, Beatriz was sat on the desk and looking out at all the poor unfortunate souls who had entered what would be a quiet class.

"Mr Belmont, what is the issue?" Her voice was soft but it held a sharp edge and a crisp layer to it. Care may have been her main emotion for the students at all times but that didn't mean that she was a woman to give praise when not due. They were there to be safe and to learn, not to be swaddled and become a little snobby.

Eyes watched out until Beatriz grew to be bored and the open door was spotted. Never did Minerva leave it unlocked when silence was needed but the class had silenced itself so the doors were open. Usually, eyes stuck to Beatriz but the woman had her back turned and so little legs let her jump down and then her hat was dropped onto a desk, McGonagall rarely wore her hat anymore as Beatriz enjoyed playing with it. The students had all then taken to casting spells quietly and Minerva returned to her desk.

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