Escapes and Traps.

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Beatriz found that sleep wasn't easy, trying to get to sleep and stop the constant whizzing thoughts. This quiz was due to be done at this time, homework was done but Beatriz always felt like it could have been a little better. Deadlines crept up and she felt like all of it was a waste. Too stupid to pass any exams and her wand would be taken. Just like her mother's wand in every way. The lack of sleep ate at her until she was forced out of bed and she walked down to the base of the steps where she encountered three troublesome kids who seemed to like to break rules.

"Not up to anything bad are you?" They all gave an awful jump and they glared at her horribly. It was a little more than clear that they had hoped that she would leave them alone but she wouldn't, and so for a brief second she considered pushing it but she gave in and waved them off. Clearly, Harry was actually going to see Draco, but the likelihood was that something else would catch them. Mrs Norris even.

Whilst sat on the sofa, watching the fire her eyes hit a dry spell and she had to blink to bring them back to life. A black cat pulling her from the daze and as this happened the portrait was swung open to show a set of four individuals. One looked exhausted and the other three looked furious. Shark Bait was placed to the side and she stood up, walking over to where they were and raising eyebrows at them to try and see what had happened. Neville seemed to be on a different level as sleep covered his eyes.

"Malfoy had no plans of turning up, he snitched on us and we lost points. McGonagall did not look in the least bit happy." Beatriz bit her lip and tried not to laugh but Neville seemed to perk up as an accusing look was sent their way, before he walked up the few steps and climbed into bed. He had no clue about the things that had happened surely, or he was so tired that he couldn't process it all.

The night passed and as school kicked off again it seemed less exciting. No more duels, detention came to an end and the sighting of the unicorn was all that could be mentioned. It was Halloween though and a buzz was in the air as Albus amped up the school to show off with pumpkins and the like. Charms was a class that they had to face though and it seemed to be a drag for all. Mentions of secrets left Harry and Ron, Hermione stuck on topic and Beatriz was at the side of Imogen. A lovely girl in their year and house. Her eyes were blue and bright but her skin was shining. Her hair was clean and dreamy. As the class came to an end, feathers were flying and both of the girls were trying to distract one another. Tickling and messing until told to stop and the class coming to an end. Beatriz had to head to her next class and did so with no more thought. Imogen was at her left and they laughed for the whole lesson.

After potions Beatriz found that she had a free and so walked through all the halls, Hermione had not shown to potions class and it worried Beatriz, for the life of her she had no clue though why she had done so.

"Mum, have you seen Hermione?" The woman was adjusting her hat when this had been said but all that was given in reply was a firm head shake. For a moment nothing was seen on the woman's face but after almost passing, a small smile was given and it was the tip of the iceberg for Beatriz. She just felt like life should have been normal for once in her life. The bathroom was the last room she could think to even check. A soft sob was heard once she had entered and so Beatriz walked over to the stall. A familiar shoe was seen.

"Why?" Had been muttered and Beatriz could hear the upset in her voice. It made her upset and want to hurt who had done it but there had to be a reason for the confident Hermione to suddenly break down and sob.

"Hermione. I haven't seen you since charms. Care to talk? It's Halloween, is your costume Moaning Myrtle this year?" The joke wasn't totally lost but a disgruntled Myrtle was seen floating about. Cruel and also cowardly in life and death. Hermione was quick to stop laughing but the door was opened for an entrance and it was quickly taken.

Little Miss McGonagall.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin