Year 3 Won't End.

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A chill ran through the walls of Hogwarts and the inhabitants only added another layer to warm up. Scarfs wrapped around throats and hats decorated heads. Even the professors had taken to wrapping in so much fabric that little skin could be seen.

Beatriz was no exception to the cold as she spent the majority of her time sitting on her bed, snug under the duvet and writing. Her quill was constantly shaking as she wrote furiously and referred back to her books. A loud set of steps up the steps alerted her to the arrival of another student and one book was closed and hidden just as the steps stopped outside her door. A rush was buzzing through her veins but it was smoothed out as the steps stopped just outside of the door. The shoes had been clicking so a heeled shoe was expected but Beatriz couldn't figure out which girl it could be.

"Bea, dear. How are you doing?" The Scottish tone was not missed and instantly shining eyes stuck even harder to a random potions book that was no longer any use to her. "How are you finding the book?" At those words, the page was checked and slowly her eyes closed. The pages that she had brought up to her eyes, covering her entire face, were in fact, upside down. Slowly the book was dropped to her lap and the small tray she used to lean on was pulled closer to her body.

"Fascinating. It gave me a new outlook on the potioneering career. It showed me the world in a new light." Minerva walked closer to the bed and sat on the end, her hat and scarf were pulled off and placed onto the bed as well. "I assume you are here in an attempt to turn a blind eye towards your students and avoid Professor Snape's usual Christmas rant about useless holidays and bratty children." Minerva nodded and smiled down at the parchment strewn around the bed.

"I think that he forgets he was once one of them." Her voice was slow and thought out. Like something was playing on her mind and it wouldn't stop bothering her.

"Judging by what I have heard. He wasn't particularly well behaved himself." Minerva shook her head and moved up the bed, moving the paper and books to the side and sitting a little closer to Beatriz than she had before.

"How is Shark Bait?" At the mention, Beatriz rolled her eyes and sat a little straighter in the bed while looking in her mother's general direction. "Why didn't you tell me?" At the question, Beatriz licked her bottom lip and looked up, trying to stop the tears.

"If Hagrid didn't tell you, would you have ever noticed?" After a moment of thought, Beatriz picked up her voice once again. "No, no you wouldn't have and that is why. Because it didn't matter. I visit her grave when I can but if that werewolf has the audacity to dig her up, I won't hesitate to tell the whole school what he is." A hiss finished off the sentence and Beatriz felt her eyes finally overflow with tears.

"Don't you dare refer to Mr Lupin that way. Especially as he is your professor and mentor." The high voice was once again lowered into warning but it was barely listened to.

"Oh, Bea. You won't guess what has just happ..." Imy stopped what she was saying and looked between the pair. Tears caught her peripheral and instantly her advances into the room stopped as her body became rigid for a second until she could continue, "sorry Professor. I will go." As soon as she had said it Beatriz began to shake her head and her hands pushed the duvet off of her.

"Mum has a meeting in Hogsmeade so she will be leaving now." McGonagall stood and brushed her hands down the fabric she was wearing.

"Goodbye, you two." Were her parting words as Imy stood and waited for her Head of House to leave first.

"So, what has happened?" After glancing back, Imy closed the door and launched herself onto the bed with a laugh.

"Normally I just write home and ask to stay but this year I wrote to dad and he agreed. I'm not going home for Christmas. We can spend it together." Beatriz jumped up and hugged her friend as tightly as she could, a smile held on both of their faces.

Little Miss McGonagall.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن