Condition & Start

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"Are you guys done?" Scourge asked aloud for them to hear, startled when they realized he's here and stared at him.

Ace wiped his tears after pull away from his blond brother and glared at him. "What do you want with us?"

The god snorted. "Like I said, I am here to bring you all to watch Zero's chosen and his alternative selves in each worlds."

"Zero's chosen?" Izo questioned.

"His chosen or rather our chosen is a part of our prophecy," Scourge explains. "His challenges will grow and the fate of his journey shall be watched by us."

"This person must be important for the 15 Gods to watched over," Sengoku hummed in deep thoughts.

"Who is he?" Coby asked confusedly.

"You met him before," Scourge waved his hand. "On the first day of his journey."

That makes the marine strike with realization, now know who's the chosen is as well as Zoro who's also realized this.

"Luffy-san?!" The pink haired teen exclaims. "Your chosen is Luffy-san?!"

"EH?!" Everyone shouted out.

"Why him?!" Sabo asked, couldn't stop worried about his baby brother and being him as a part of the prophecy isn't helping at all!

"Why should I tell you?" Scourge quirked one of his eyebrows. "Luffy is already been chosen the moment he was born, each person will be selecting as part of our prophecy for every two hundred years and Monkey D Luffy is one of them."

"What about them then?!"

"Dead in old times," the god answered. "Their journeys have come to an end."

Before everyone mainly the Strawhat pirates, brothers and few, a man walked out from the white door behins them and headed toward the god.

"Healer," Scourge nodded as greeting.

"Scourge," a man with deep voice nodded back. They couldn't see what the other looked like except the fact there's a dark brown cloak.

"How is he?"

"His organs are recently repaired but swollen due to the poison," Healer explains professionally. "His muscle tissues however are tearing apart due to the hormones he was given, few broken ribs and leg are already fixed but I forcefully used my ability to calm his body down that he went through and he will have to get another surgery cause of his heart."

(I am no expert but I will try anyway)

"I see," Scourge hummed, rubbed his chin with his finger and awared of their chosen's friends and brothers are horrified after hearing the condition of their captain/friend/brother.

Ivankov cried dramatically, wiped the tears with handkerchief with other drag queens behind, following him as well.

Hancock is horrified, almost fainted if it wasn't for her snake prevent her from falling.

Dragon is mentally shocked, afraid and worry for his son. Garp is surprisingly fainted and Shanks got hold back by his men from running to the room where Luffy is.

"The status of his heart?"

"Got stabbed by broken ribs and I will also has to replaced the few damaged organs with new one."



"Luffy..." Ace whispers with shocked face, guilt washed over him again and bit of tears pooling from the corner of his eyes.

"Will he live-yoi?" Marco asked, worried for the rookie pirate. Since Luffy is Ace's little brother then that makes him part of their family as well.

"He will live," that answers make them sighed with relief. "But I will have to make another surgery and need blood as well since Luffy looked more pale than usual."

"Let me help!" Chopper voluntered, fat tears falling from his round eyes. "I wanna help! I'm a doctor!"

"Healer can do the surgery by himself."

"I don't care!" He cried, glaring at the destruction god which impressed both gods. "I want to be there for Luffy and if I don't treat him now then it will be my fault!"

"Chopper!" Usopp hissed, worry for his friend. The Strawhat crews are taking their position, ready to defend their doctor.

Everyone are watching silently, waiting to see the reaction of two gods. Scourge and Healer glanced at each others before let out a smirks.

"Very well," Healer looked at the reindeer with small smile. "I supposed it's nice to be with someone just this once."

Chopper looked relieved.

"Thank you!"

"Don't thanked me just yet," Healer waved his hand, gestured him to follow after nods to his companion. "Luffy is in critical condition and we need to started our surgery as soon as possible."

"H-Hai!" Chopper looked determined as he disappeared into the room with the god then closed the door leaving the other god and everyone behind.

"As for me," Scourge facing in front of them. "I shall be showing you all about Luffy's alternative selves so take your seats and enjoy the show."

They reluctantly sit on the couches, away from each others - marines and pirates - and looked at the screen as it's brighten.

Whitebeard is sitting on the largest couch with his children nearby. Sabo and Ace are sitting next to each others, worry for their baby brother.

Scourge shook his head silently before sat on the single couch between them and watched calmly.

What do you readers want for Luffy as? Please comments, vote and enjoy!

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