Secret Of The Past (27)

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Luffy let out his flames once more as the vines let out a strange screech and unwrap him. He fell on the ground with a loud thud and crawled toward him.

"Oji-san!" He grunts, pulled the elder toward him and rest on his lap.

"Whitey," Marco looked at her urgently. "How is his condition?"

"Bad," she frowns after scanning him. "He's losing a lot of blood and his bones are broken from his shoulders to ribs."


"It is amazing on how he managed to stay alive and then," she gulped. "This might by far the worst condition I've ever seen of."

Rune coughed harshly and the blood is spurting out from his waist. Luffy whimpers, reach up and realized that his scarf is not around his neck.

"My scarf..." he whispered and looked around. "Where? Where is my scarf?"

"That scarf must be very precious to him," Nami said, remember how Luffy didn't let anyone touch his strawhat and let her wear it once.

"It's a gift from his big brother," Robin remarks. "Knowing our captain, he never let it out of his sight."

Ace and Sabo exchanged glances, remember that he does not wear the scarf when their first met.

Was it possible that he lost it?

Hancock make a mental note to give a scarf for her beloved as a present. Strawhats are planning to throw a surprise birthday party for him soon and a scarf for him.

In a memory of his brother.

The elder coughed again, drawing his attention. "Oji-san!" He looked alarmed. "D-don't worry, nii-cha and Dan-nii will save us."

Rune just smiled.

Luffy just hold him carefully, glance around as the sound of rumbles can be heard from outside.

The screen zoom back between the intense and shows Crust walking calmly toward the wall. Without hesitant, he crushed through the wall and reveal outside.

He grinned wickedly before widened his mouth with eyes popped out inside.

It shivered their spines to see the sight of it and horrified that a creature somehow made it outside.

"Oh shit..." Sanji swears.

"Triple trouble!" Usopp gulped.

"Hmm..." Crust take a deep breath and glanced over the the island with chuckles. "Still the same view and the refreshing air."

Crust gain an evil glint.

"Too bad that I'm going to destroyed everything including humans."

Inside, Luffy whimpered when the aura leaking out of him but this time it's bigger than usual.

"Luffy!" Rune breathes with widened eyes. The boy weeped, feeling his Upgrade powered up the ability.


A huge red beam forming in front of his mouth an-


The audience are too stunned to speak. Upon seeing the once beautiful island being destroyed into ashes and debris.

"T-The island... is-"

"Gone," Brook added.

Dragon hitched his breath and prayed for his family safety.

The screen changed to survivors running out after hearing the explosion and gasped at the sight of the creature.

Risa widened her eyes. "W-wha..."

"What the hell?!" A man with blue hair exclaims. "Is that Crust?!"

"Are you saying Luffy is in there?!" Makino gasped, covered her mouth with both of her hands.

Lucas clenched his fists.

"Then we ne-"

"Don't go everywhere."

They turn around and gasped once more to see a familiar figure glaring at them with strange black mist surrounding him.

Risa widened her eyes.


"He's still alive?!"

"How is he still alive?!" Thatch screamed. "He's been crushed and there's no way he's able to survived that!"

"Unless he has another ability or powers that can recover himself," Marco frowned.

"What's with the mist though?" Koala pointed out. "It looks like it's come from the Poneglyph."

Robin then widened her eyes.

"I see... I get it now."

"Get what Robin?" Nami asks.

Blade glared at Dan who glared back.

"I got some business to deal with you!" He growled. "You're mine."

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