Secret Of The Past (1)

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Scourge chuckles quietly under his breath, seeing most of pirates are grumbling about having a hangover after celebrating Ace's birthday.

He glanced at Garp and Dragon. 'I do have to wonder what will they do when they see this?' He thoughts silently, expectation ran over him. 'It should be interesting to see.'

A door from behind suddenly wide open, Chopper and Healer walked out from the room which immediately caught their attention.

Ace and Sabo hurriedly stood up then run toward them with worry expressions.

"How is he?"

"Is Luffy all right?!"

Ivankov, Jimbei and Hancock also gained the same as them, prayed for Luffy's safety.

Zoro and others also stood up, wanted some explanation from Chopper about their captain/friend as the reindeer walked toward them.

"Luffy is all right," Healer said. "However during his surgery, his heart stopped twice and I already repaired some of the muscle tissues to stop the bleeding."

"I see," Scourge rubbed his chin, politely ignored the paling faces from the two brothers after hearing the first sentences. "Anything else?"

"Luffy is losing too much blood and I need to do some treatment as soon as possible," he explains. Healer turned to the brothers. "What kind of blood type he has?"

"F," Ace said instantly.

"Does anyone has the same blood type?"

"I do," Jimbei offered.

Whitebeards surprised as well as the marines, there's a law from Fishman Island that prevent Fishmen or mermaids from transfering the blood to humans and hearing it from Jimbei who state it without hesitatiom thoughts otherwise.

Now Whitebeards are looking forward by getting to known Ace's brother.

"Jimbei!" Sengoku roared. "Y-"

"You're forgotten something, little seagull mortal," Scourge snarled darkly. "That I'm in charge here and you have no power to do anything! Do not make me having a second thoughts or else."

Sengoku snapped his mouth shut and looked away, guessing that he's minute away from facing the wrath of the god.

"Now run along you two," Scourge waved his hand as the former Warlord and Healer walked back to the room.

"Wait a minute," Nami speaks. "Why didn't you ask Luffy's brothers?"

"Uhmm... Nami?" Usopp timidly caught her attention. "They're gods."

Nami blinked once then twice before facepalm with embarrassed blush.


That earned few chuckles.

"Anyway next one will be Luffy's past," Scourge caught Garp and Dragon twitched at his words, pretending to be oblivious. "And afterwards, I will be showing you all about the secrets he's hiding from everyone included-" his eyes glanced at the brothers and crews for moments. "-you all."

"Why?" Sanji questioned.

"Do tell me this," Scourge smirked. "What exactly happen to that island after you woke up? After you found Luffy injured all over his body?"

They went silent beside Brook and Franky who stared at them with confusion.

Ace and Sabo looked alert. Their baby brother is injured? What island?

"We... we don't remember," confessed Zoro, furrowing his eyebrows as if he's trying to remember what happen.

"What was the last time did you remember?" Kingdew asked.

"All we remember was we found the bottle in the middle of the ocean and a map," Robin answered. "We went there and that's it."

'Should have known that flower erasing their memories before eating them,' Scourge hums silently. 'Right now, they don't remember a single thing about what happen to that island and the power Baron has but that will due later.'

"Which is why it's very important for you all on why Monkey D Luffy been chosen by the prophecy," The god explained. "His secrets shall be reveal and that way, you'll understand him very well."

"Why are you telling us?" Izo asked.

"Saa... who knows?" Scourge mysteriously said before sitting down on his chair before the screen goes white.

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