Secret Of The Past (7)

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"Excellent," Joules smiles with half lidded smiles. He snapped his fingers as the marines grabbed the leader's arms roughly and forced him to move.


"Let him go!"

Dan gritted his teeth with his widened eyes as the men lifted him up before shove him.

"Let's go," one of them grunts.

"Uncle Dan... Grandpa..." Ace muttered quietly, worry bloomed in his chest.

Dragon clenched his fists. He wasn't there when his family are in great danger.

Lucas hissed at the stinging pain behind his back after they lifted him and his family then shoved, urged them to move.

"N-nii-cha," Luffy whimpers.

"I am here," he comforted him.



"Lucas, Luffy, Risa...!" Dragon breathes.

Others watched with dread.

"Get moving!"

"What do you think you're doing?" Rune demanded, glances over his shoulder.

Joules just smiles. "I am just brought them along so you don't have to worry about them."

"Bastard," Marco spats.

Ace glared at the former marine.

"Leave them out of this!" Rune snarled. "They have nothing to do with this!"

"Too late!" The former marine smiled brightly. "Let's go Frey!"

The teen followed wordlessly.

Risa gasped, about to followed along but halted at the sight of the remaining marines threatened with swords.

Oliver glared and few survivors hustled closely with fear in their eyes.

"I should've been there," Dragon clenched his fists. "My family needs me and yet..."

"You did not know what happen," Scourge said without taking his eyes off the screen. "Now, you got a chance to see what happen to your wife and son."

Dragon slowly nodded and watched silently with his companions glanced at him with worry.

"Mom!" Luffy whimpers.

"Mom." Lucas glanced over.

"Lucas, look after your brother and keep him safe!" Risa called. The white headed man nodded and scooped him in his arms as the boy buried on his brother's shoulder.

The survivors could only watched as their leader and few escorting by marines.

"What about Makino?" Shanks is worried about the green haired woman, remember how kind she is. "Is she all right?"

"All in due time," Scourge remain mysterious about it and dodged the question.

This makes the audience anxious.

The island is hiding secrets, revealing Ace's unknown family and Dragon's family. How many secrets are they? How did Luffy and Makino managed to escape and survive?

What exactly happen to others?

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