Secret Of The Past (18)

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Luffy whimpered and flinched at his cold hand on his head.

"NO!" Lucas screamed, struggling to freed himself but only got squeezed. "LEAVE HIM ALONE!"

"LUFFY!" Ace, Sabo and Hancock cried.

Blade just slowly take the ability from him making Luffy wailing at the sudden pain from his head.

Tears falling down and hands desperately trying to pull the hand away.

"I-Itai!" He sobs. "Stop!"

"YOU BASTARD!" Ace shouted, held back by his crews and Sabo with Koala.

"Luffy!" A furious Zoro is held back by Usopp, Chopper, Brook and Franky.

"'ve gone too far...!" Dragon could only clenched his jaws and stared with sorrow. Garp only looked away, can't bear to watch.

Shanks is also held back by his crew.

Soon enough, Blade is comforting his little brother and stared at the vials with blood turn to reddish brown.

Walking toward the ice, he poured it and the ice immediately cracked as the liquid glow eeriely due to the sudden change of atmosphere.

Feeling the ground shaking violently like an earthquake, Rune shakily looked up and only watched.

"Oh no..." he croaked weakly.

"W-What's happening?!" Nami asked.

"It's awakening!" Whitebeard said knowingly with narrowed eyes.

Blade grinned and bring back the ability to unconscious Luffy. "Finally...! I've done it!"

Lucas and Dan are watching with fear, keeping their eyes on the creature as it slowly move.

Arms swing slowly to its sides, black aura leaking from its body and red eyes appeared by sliding down on its sclera.

"Oh fuck...!" Lucas stutters.

Chopper is trembling, jumped in Robin's arms. "I am scared!" He whimpered. She just whisper some comfort words and patted him.

"That thing is so huge!"

"How the fuck did they able to beat that thing?" Sanji cussed with fear filled glare directed to the creature.

"I... am... FREE!" The monster screamed with hoarse and eerie voice. Blade unconsciously let the three go as the rocks break into dust.

Lucas ignored the pain all over his body, run off and punched his twin by his cheek. "FUCKING BASTARD!"

"Took the words out of my mouth," Zoro agreed with growl.

"Wish that I'll be the one beat the shit out of him," Ace scowled.

"Rune-sama!" Dan run up to the leader and supporting him with worry gaze. "Rune-sama, are you all right?"

"I am fine my boy," Rune smiles slightly. "I just need to rest but... I will later when things are over."

Ace sighed with relief.

"Rune-sama," Dan get into chase. "What are we going to do?"

"I don't know," the leader gulped. "My ability may be strong as ever but I am not as young as I used to be."

"What exactly is Rune-san's ability anyway?" Izou questioned.

"You will see," Scourge is just mysterious and distant as ever, wave his hand.

"Luffy!" Lucas hurriedly scoot his little brother in his arms and stared worriedly. "Hang in there! Luffy!"

"N-nii-cha..." the little boy let out a small whimpers, half lidded teary eyes stared at him. "Nii-cha...?"

Most are sighed with relief.

Though the marines looked disappointed that he's still alive but Smoker, Tashigi and Kuzan are mildly worried.

Ace and Sabo looked like they're about to collapsed as they stared with relieved.

Lucas almost sobbing.

"Thank goodness," he hugged him firmly. "I thought I lost you!"

Luffy just lifted his arm shakily and brushed his face lightly. "Nii-cha... hurt?" He asks quietly.

"Idiot!" Ace sighed. "Always worried about others than himself!"

"He didn't changed at all," Sabo chuckles, sitting next to his brother and hugging the still sleeping little Luffy.

"He really love his brother huh?" Thatch smiled at the close bond between them despite the situation.

"Looks like it yoi."

"Worry about yourself first!" Lucas complained but smile with relief. "Who cares about me being hurt?!"

"I am glad..." Luffy let out a big innocent smile and blood dripping from his nose. "Nii-cha is... okay."


"What's wrong with my beloved Luffy?!" Hancock asked with concern.

"Blade used the stealing ability for Luffy's Upgrade," Scourge explained. "However, his small body cannot take the amount of pain and ended up bleeding inside."

They looked even more worried and more concerned for Luffy.

Then he slowly went unconscious while the brother wiped the blood with his own shirt.

Patting his head gently and lay his head against his chest before looked up with the most murderous glare at his twin who rubbed his cheek.

"He's pissed," Haruta winced.

The others nodded.

"You...!" He growled despite his cold sweat and fear eyes. "You bastard!" He grabbed his shirt and arm around his little brother protectively.

"What have you done!?"

The creature roared with all might, standing up and the whole cave is shaking violently.


Multiverse & Memories Of Monkey D Luffy (Hiatus)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon