Secret Of The Past (9)

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Dan and Lucas make a run for it, tackling the elder on the ground from the sudden attack by crawler.

Luffy almost cried, pressing his mouth tightly and refused to look up.

"Luffy-san, hang in there!" Brook yells.

"What a speed," Haruta blinked at two men with curiosity.

"Rune-sama, we need to go!" Lucas hissed urgently, keeping an eye on crawlers. The creatures are attacking marines as they shoot or stabbed them and the grunts aren't fared well.

One or two got tackled to the ground, screaming as the crawlers ripped their flesh till blood pooling around them.

"This is sick...!" Usopp almost puked as his face turn green. Chopper cried, clinging to Robin who comforted him.

"What kind of Crawlers are they?" Vista questioned in disgust, looked away from the gruesome sight.

"They are mostly humans," Scourge explained calmly. "However, they are cannibals who eat human fleshs and some animals."

Strawhats and the brothers looked shocked at this revelation. Luffy lived on the island with those things?!

Hancock cried with rage, daring them to lay their hands on her husband and Shanks looked like he wanted to take Makino and Luffy away.

"What about-"

"Leave them!" Lucas hissed. "I rather die than fight alongside with them including that traitor!"

"Wait a minute Lucas," Dan begin to protests. "We can't just leave Frey all alone! He needs our help!"

"Didn't you hear me?" The man narrowed his eyes coldly. "Leave them."

Dragon looked surprised. This is the first time he saw Lucas acting this way.

"H-Help! Help!"

They looked behind to see Frey run away from the hungry crawlers and tripped by the rock as he landed roughly on the ground.

"Lucas!" Dan pleaded.

"Stay away!" Frey cries desperately.

The man isn't convinced, planning to walk away when he heard the whimpers. He looked down to see his little brother staring at him with wide fear and teary eyes.

"Are we going to leave Frey-nii...?"

Lucas is hesitant this time.

"Looks like he got a huge impact by Mugiwara," Smoker said.

"Is he really going to leave him?" Nami looked concerned. "Frey is a victim afterall and he has no choice."

"Lucas is a type of person who held grudge," Dragon speaks making few startled. "He wouldn't hesitate to do so."

"Lucas," the elder get his attention. "What will you do?" The man glanced at his brother, Frey and Rune.


Lucas looked over to see the teen reaching out with his arm, eyes are begging for their help.

The man finally growled, securing his brother to Dan and kick the crawlers hardly with leg swing. "Get up," he spats, punching the flying crawler.

"Thank you!"

"Don't thanked me just yet," Lucas glared at the cowering teen. "Now get up and don't make me think twice!"

"...I take that back," Smoker said. "It's seems the old man and Mugiwara have impact on him."

"As expected," Whitebeard smirks. "Like father, like son." Rune is definitely Roger's father.

"We can't waste our time here," Dan hold Luffy tightly in his arms. "We need to get out of here!"

"Follow me," Rune walked forward, hurriedly turn right to reveal a big hole and slid inside. Dan reassured the boy to go first, waiting patiently till his turn.

Lucas keep glaring at the teen who followed after and himself lastly, leaving the group behind.

"Do you think that guy is death?" Thatch asked, referring to Joules.

"I have a feeling that he's still alive," Marco frowns. "He's strong afterall."

"You compliment him."

"Don't reminds me." The first commander scowled.

"Looks like it will be hard to find a way out," Dan sighed. "This place is huge and I don't really like it."

"You're not the only one," Rune reassured his son in law. "I also find this place uneasy."

"True to that," they chorused in agreedment, not wanted to see the crawlers again.

"Nii-cha!" Luffy run up to hugged his legs, snuggling as Lucas relaxed almost instantly, reach down to scoop him in his arms and press his nose on the black hair.

"Are you all right?" He asks.

"Un," the boy nodded and buried his face on the neck.

"What a brotherly love!" Frank sobbed dramatically. "So touching!"

Ace and Sabo grumbling, crossed their arms as the jealousy washed them. Of course the brother managed to calm their little brother down few seconds unlike themselves.

"What about you, Frey?" Dan asked with worry but suspicious. "I-I am fine," the teen smiles shakily. "Thank you for saving me."

"Good and I need you to answer my question though."

"Of course, what is it?"

"What did you do to Frey?"

The audience freeze.

Scourge almost smirked. 'About time.'

Frey freeze and laughed shakily.

"W-What are you talking about?" He stuttered. "I am Frey afterall!"

"Frey that we know would never back down from the fight even if he's coward," Dan replied, narrowed his eyes. "Frey that we know is always seen with his sister but she's not there."

"We haven't seen her before the attack," Lucas added. "Frey that we know, hated marines that he refused to be near them."

Frey is now stared at them.

"So, who are you?"

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