Secret Of The Past (4)

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As they quiet down, the screen shows Lucas guiding the blond haired woman with Luffy watching from afar.

Luffy titled his head cutely, big red scarf wrapped nicely around his mouth and neck as it trailed from behind.

They could even see the villagers preparing or build something on public.

"Yohohoho! A festival!" Brook laughed, aching to play his violin. "How exciting!"

"Like this..." Lucas correcting her pose and show her the right position which she nodded.

She has short hair above her shoulders, blue eyes and tan skin. She's wearing a pink tank top, ankle length blue jeans and sandals.

"Oh! How beautiful she is!" Sanji swooned. Scourge rolled his eyes and snapped his fingers making the mouth looked like it's been zipped.

"Much better..." he hums silently, ignoring the blond cook attempted to open his mouth.

"Finally," grunts Zoro.

"Like this?" She asked.


While those two are busy dancing, Luffy watched curiously before walked toward them - imagined the cute sound every time he walked - and observe quietly.

Hancock and other women squealed, brothers are smiling and others smirks or grins.

He slowly take their position and lifted his leg before tumbling on the ground. Lucas and the woman noticed before smiled as he lifted him up.

"Keep on practicing." She nodded, still smiling and continued while the brothers take a break on the nearby log.

"What exactly are you doing?" Lucas asked, wiping his face with his shirt. "Da'cing!" Luffy replied, ducking his head cutely.

"Oh?" Lucas looked amused.

"Da'cing!" Luffy repeats. "With nii-cha!"

"How adorable!" Thatch cried. "Ace! Your brother is so adorable!" He wiped the waterfall tears with the handkerchief.

"I'm jealous," Marco chuckles.

"Ace's brother is so cute! Ten times better than him!" Haruta grinned.

"What is that supposed to mean!?" Ace roared, fist on the air with Sabo holding him back. "Also, I am not cute!"

"Then can I join too?"

"Dan," Lucas greet as the light gi ger haired male and brown eyes, sit next to him with wide grin.

The male is wearing a light blue unbuttoned shirt, white tank top underneath, comfortable shorts and black flats.

"Dan-nii!" Luffy beamed.

Whitebeard and Shanks stared at the familiar male with familiar grin. "It couldn't be..." the red headed captain stared with shocked eyes.

"Oyaji?" Fossa looked at his captain worriedly. "Do you know him?"

Ace stared. He couldn't help but stared at the male who seems awfully familiar and he can't placed his finger on it.

"Yes... I knew him," Newgate nodded with frowned. "He's Portgas D. Dan."

The second commander swing his head to stared at him with wide eyes. "W-what?" He croaked.

"In other words, Dan was your mother's brother." Scourge told him. Ace looked at the screen again and this time, the man has the same eyes as his mother when Garp handed him the picture of his mother.

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