cold season

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"Come on, eat" Jeonghan lifted a spoon of soup to the three-year-old.

"No! tummy hurts!" Chan smacked the spoon out of his papa's hand, spilling the soup onto the table. Chan immediately started a coughing fit, crying afterward. Seungcheol ruffled chan's hair and used a tissue to dry his eyes.

"Chan, the soup will make you feel better, okay, eat it." Seungcheol picked up the spoon and gave it back to his husband. Jeonghan gave chan more soup which he reluctantly ate.

"Okay, I ate the soup, can I go?" Chan smiled at his fathers before sneezing twice.

"Chan... that was one spoonful, you need to eat most of the bowl," Seungcheol told him, before helping him wipe his nose. Chan pouted adorably.

After lunch, Chan wanted to sleep. Jeonghan was carrying him to bed when chan suddenly started to move around a bit. Jeonghan was about to ask him what was wrong when chan vomited on both of them. Chan started to cry, while Jeonghan did his best to not vomit as well.

"Okay Chan, your gonna take a bath before you sleep." Jeonghan took Chan to the bathroom turned on the water. He undressed Chan, got in the water, "Stay here, while I get your dad, okay."

Chan nodded sadly, "I'm sorry for throwing up on you."

Jeonghan patted his head. "It's not your fault." He left the room while Chan entrained himself by splashing water. He found Seungcheol doing dishes. "Can you give Chan a bath while I change my clothes? He puked and it got on both of us." Seungcheol looked at Jeonghan and agreed.

"Do the dishes when you're done, okay." Seungcheol walked to the bathroom, Chan was splashing water and some of it had gotten on the floor. "Hey, Chan, are you feeling better."

"Dad? Where's Papa?" Chan asked confused, "Is mad at me?"

"No, he just had to do something." Seungcheol grabbed Chan's shampoo, "Are you ready to get clean?". Seungcheol rubbed the shampoo on to Chan's hair, he rubbed a bunch of the bubbles on to his hand, and, using the bubbles, made a mustache on Chan's face. "Look, your basically an adult!" Chan laughed very innocently. Seungcheol began to rub soap into a washcloth when Jeonghan walked in.

"The dishes are done. Chan, how are you?" Jeonghan asked.

"My head hurts!" Chan rubbed his head looked sad.

"Oh, poor baby." He softly rubbed Chan's forehead. He leaned towards Seungcheol, "Get him more medicine." Seungcheol gave Jeonghan the soapy rag and went to the medicine cabinet.

Later, Chan was asleep and Jeonghan and Seungcheol were in the living room. Jeonghan put his head on Seungcheol's shoulder. "I messed up giving him soup." He started to cry and Seungcheol hugged him.

"It's better that he threw up the soup instead of stomach acid. His stomach was hurting all day. What were we going to do? Starve him until he felt better?" Jeonghan sighed and hugged Seungcheol back.

"I know but I don't feel like it was the right choice, Chan was so scared when he puked and I feel so guilty." The two were interrupted by Chan's bedroom door opening. Jeonghan turned to the toddler, "Chan, is something wrong? Did you throw up again?" Chan said nothing but laid down on Jeonghan's lap.

"Can't sleep." Chan rubbed his eyes. Jeonghan picked him up and kissed his forehead.

"Well, getting out of bed isn't going to help." Jeonghan and Seungcheol walked back to Chan's bedroom and tucked him in. "Good night."

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