Going Swimmingly

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"Okay Chan, We got you a new swimming suit!" Seungcheol handed his son a pair of swim trunks. "Look, they even have dinosaurs on them."

"Put them on, we want to see how cute you look." Jeonghan hugged him, "I mean, you look you cute in everything, but we just want to see."

"Okay." Chan started to take his pants off.

"Chan, not in front of us." Jeonghan placed Chan in his room "Do that here, in your room." Chan nodded and closed his door. He tried to take his pants off, and tripped, bumping his chin. Jeonghan opened the door to check on him and Chan hugged his dad's leg.

"Papa, I need help," Chan whined while holding his chin.

When Chan had his swimsuit on, Jeonghan carried him to Seungcheol. "Look at him, honey, isn't he cute?" Chan attempted to make himself more adorable when Jeonghan complimented him. "I mean not as cute as me."

"Papa!" Chan started to punch Jeonghan's chest, which didn't hurt, seeing as Chan was using tiny three-year-old hands to fight.

"Hey, hey stop that." Seungcheol took Chan and placed him on the floor next to him, "That hurts Papa." Chan ran behind Seungcheol to hide. "Apologize."

"No!" Chan turned away from his fathers.

"Well, I guess you don't get to go to the beach tomorrow." Jeonghan faked concern, "Shame, I was planning on having so much fun with you." Chan started to turn to his fathers, "Guess me and Dad are going to have to go alone." Jeonghan and Seungcheol shared a kiss.

Tears started to form in Chan's eyes, "No, Papa! I'm sorry! Very Very sorry!" Chan ran up to his papa, who scooped him in his arm, "I'm sorry for hitting you."

"I forgive you." Jeonghan kissed Chan all over his baby face. "Play with Dad while I cook dinner, okay?" Jeonghan handed him back to Seungcheol.

The next day everyone was packing for the beach. Seungcheol was carrying two beach chairs, while Jeonghan carrying a bag with towels and snacks. "Love, why do I have the carry the heavy things?" Seungcheol mumbled.

"Because I can't" Jeonghan pointed out.

"Yes, you can!" Seungcheol jokingly hit him with a soft part of a chair. "Open the door for me."

"This is why I can't hold a chair, who would open the door for you," Jeonghan smirked before opening the door. "Hurry up, Chan's waiting for us." Chan was buckled in his car seat in the air-conditioned car. They placed their items in the trunk of their car and got in.

"You guys were gone for 20 hours!" Chan cried. "I was alone without any toys or people to talk to."

Seungcheol started for the car, while Jeonghan rubbed his eyes. "No Chan, we didn't leave alone for 20 hours. It was 10 minutes, at the most."

"It was 20 hours, I counted." Chan crossed his arms. "When are we going to be at the beach?"

Seungcheol bit back laughter, "21 hours." Jeonghan flicked him in the back of the head. Chan went wide-eyed and quiet.

1 hour and 30 minutes later, they arrived at the beach. Chan ran tried to run into the water as soon as he thought he could, but Seungcheol kept him close. "Not without sunscreen and your swimming vest." Jeonghan put Chan in his swimming vest while Seungcheol put sunscreen on him, before putting some on Jeonghan and then himself, with Jeonghan helping.

"Papa! Can we go in the water now?" Chan pulled on his arm while running to the water, "I want to go now!"

Jeonghan picked him up and headed to the water, "Yes, we can. Stop yelling." The water felt cool on Jeonghan's feet while the burning sun seemed to fry him. Placing Chan in water, Jeonghan sat next to him to watch him play. The waves were a bit too rough for his liking but Chan was having fun.

"Papa, where are the waves coming from?" Chan asked while splashing water. "And why are they so big? One almost knocked me over."

"The wind pushes water. The stronger the wind, the stronger the wave." Maybe that's why the waves were so tough, Jeonghan thought, it was very windy. He noticed Chan blowing air at the ocean. "What are you doing?"

"I'm going to create my own wave!" Chan smiled. "Is it working?"

"Keep trying." Jeonghan patted his head. The waves kept coming at them, each more intense than the last. Eventually, one wave knocked over Jeonghan. He tried swimming back up but got in the riptide of another wave and remained underwater. Current after current kept sweeping him in, preventing him from going up a getting air. Jeonghan grew nervous, wondering if Chan was okay and if he would be able to see him again. The saltwater stung his eyes and nose, and he could feel himself losing oxygen. The world around him began to disappear, and he felt himself losing him.

Jeonghan woke up in an ambulance. He was confused and scared, he looked around noticed he had an oxygen mask on his face. He reached for it, but someone pulled his hand away. Everything was blurry, and he closed his eyes.

Two hours later, Jeonghan woke up with a startle. He was in a hospital bed now and was alone with his husband and Chan. The oxygen mask was off but he had an IV in his arm.

"Hannie?" Seunghceol picked up his chin. "Can you speak to me?"

"What happened?" was all he could he says. Jeonghan was exhausted and couldn't focus for too long.

"You were caught under from waves. I pulled Chan out before he went under, but I couldn't find you until you had passed out. A lifeguard gave you CPR until an ambulance arrived." Seungcheol stroked his cheek. "You woke up in the ambulance. Do you remember that?" Jeonghan shook his head. "Well, that's I was told. I didn't ride with, I drive the car with Chan, didn't want to scare him." Seungcheol kissed him. "I'm just glad you're safe."

"Where's Chan?" Jeonghan started to cry; Seungcheol looked Jeonghan's arm. Chan was asleep next to him. His face looked peaceful but he clinging on Jeonghan's arm for dear life. "My baby." He carefully scooped Chan up and just looked at him, his chest rising and lowering.

"He's safe."

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