Accidents happen

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"Okay. Chan, play with these while I wash the dishes." Jeonghan handed the toddler a pot and a wooden spoon. The loud banging was going to annoy him but it would be less of a hassle then Chan wandering around unsupervised and getting hurt. Jeonghan was washing a plate when Chan asked him for a drink.

"Later, when I'm done." Jeonghan patted his head, "Go back to playing."

"But, I'm really thirsty." Chan started to cry.

"Look I'll be done soon." He put a cup he just got done drying in a cabinet. Chan saw that the cabinet also had his favorite cup. Jeonghan returned to the sink and while his back was turned, Chan climbed up the counter and tried to get the cup. Jeonghan noticed and yelled, "Chan, get off before-"

Chan stepped on a plate and slipped off the counter, hitting his head as he did. Jeonghan ran up to him felt his head, feeling for any bumps or cuts. Chan wasn't crying which upsetting Jeonghan greatly, he had passed out. He felt his hand get wet and pulled away revealing blood. Jeonghan pulled out his cell phone and called 911

On the ambulance ride to the hospital, Jeonghan called Seungcheol. "Honey, you have to go to the hospital... Chan was climbing on a counter, he fell, hit his head and he passed out and won't wake up... Okay...... Call me when you get to the hospital." Chan was laid out a stretcher in front of him a doctor put a bandage and ice pack on his head, but he hadn't woken up. Jeonghan stroked his cheek, "Your dad's going to be here soon, don't worry." He grabbed his son's hand and the rest of the ride was silent.

Jeonghan was in the waiting room when Seungcheol came. Seungcheol hugged him tightly, "How's Chan?", he wiped tears from Jeonghan's eyes.

"They got an x-ray on him but said he just need stitches." Jeonghan calmed himself down. "I messed up, I wasn't watching for a few seconds, he climbed up to counter to get a cup and fell. I'm sorry, I hurt him."

Seungcheol consoled him, "Chan just got into trouble the one times you looked away. It's not your fault; these kinds of things happen to the best parents." Seungcheol rubbed his back, "Chan's going to be okay."

A nurse called them into Chan's room. Chan's forehead was wrapped in a bandage, and Chan was awake but still drowsy. "Chan? Channie? Your Papa's here." Jeonghan ran right up to him.

Chan's moaned, ""

Jeonghan hugged him, "Yes, my baby?"

"What happened?"

Seungcheol placed his hand Jeonghan shoulder"You had a very bad fall. You hit your head and we had to take you to hospital."

Chan looked at him and nodded, "Can we go home now?"

Jeonghan did his best not to cry, "You need to stay here overnight, and we need to go home without you."

Chan burst into tears, "But I want to be with Papa and Dad! I don't want to be here! Tell the doctor he has to let me home! Papa! Dad!"

Seungcheol tried to calm him down, "It will be for only one night. We will come to get as soon as possible."

Chan still didn't stop crying. "But I want to be with you two! Don't leave me! Papa! Dad! I'm sorry for getting hurt! Don't leave me here!"

Jeonghan was started to form tears in his eyes. "Chan, it will only be one night, but you have to stay here to get better." He hugged Chan, stroked his hair, "I'm so sorry, baby. I don't want to leave you either." A nurse came to told them that visiting hours were over.

The car ride was silent beside Jeonghan crying. "He really misses us. I just want to hold him." Seungcheol nodded "I have an idea." He changed the route the car was going before parking in front of a toy store. "Come on."

The looked around for a bit before they found a stuffed dinosaur. "Let's get him this, he really loves dinosaurs."

The next day the were excited to bring Chan home. They were in the waiting room talking to each other. "What should we have for dinner?"

"I want to stir fry, but I think we should ask Chan what he wants."

A nurse called them to Chan's room and told them they had to bring Chan home. He was still asleep in his bed. Jeonghan picked him up whispering him, "See, we said we would come to get you." Jeonghan placed the stuffed dinosaur in Chan's arms, cooing softly.
"Let's go home." Said Seungcheol.

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