Nothing's lost forever

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"Oh, Chan you look so cute in that shirt." Jeonghan was helping his get dressed and had just put him a shirt with a nice design. "We're going to be on our feet a lot, so get really comfortable shoes."

Chan looked at the shoes laid out the closet floor and picked some tennis shoes. "These?"

Jeonghan nodded, "Do you need me to tie them?"

"No, let me try." Chan tied up his shoes. One was literally just a bundle of string and the other wasn't even tied, Chan just folded the laces. He took one step and both untied.

Jeonghan asked again "Do you need me to tie them?"

"Yes," said Chan.

When that was over they headed to Seungcheol and Jeonghan's bedroom. Seungcheol was in the connected bathroom brushing his teeth. "Chan and I are ready."

"You go-ahead to the car. I'll join when done brushing my teeth."

"Oh, I forgot to brush Chan's teeth."

Chan got nervous. "Oh I already brushed my teeth, you and dad were asleep. I don't have to brush my teeth."

Jeonghan and Seungcheol weren't convinced. "How did reach the top of the counter? You can't reach all up there and you definitely can't reach the toothbrushes." Jeonghan looked at him suspiciously.

"I... jumped really high." Chan smiled, looking guilty.

"He's toothbrush is dry!" Seungcheol called from the bathroom. "Chan! come in here and brush your teeth." Chan hung his head down and walked in.

After Chan's teeth were all clean, Everyone got in the car. Jeonghan was strapping Chan into his car seat when Chan started asking questions. "Why do I need to be in a car seat? You and dad aren't."

Jeonghan simply replied. "It's because you're small. Small kids aren't protected by seat belts so they need car seats." He closed the door and walked to driver's seats and Seungcheol sat in the passenger seat"

"Did Papa and Dad need a car seat when you guys were kids?"

Seungcheol nodded. "All kids need car seats."

"When do I need to not need a car seat?"

Jeonghan looks at Seungcheol, "When your six, right?"

Seungcheol added on "Yeah, five or six."

"I'm going be in here for like" Chan counted on his fingers. "100 years!"

"Oh well." Jeonghan turned the car on. "Let's go to the museum!"

When they arrived, Chan almost ran off without his fathers. "Chan, wait. You don't want to get lost." Seungcheol picked him up. "You got everything, Jeonghan?"

Jeonghan got a bag with their tickets and few toys for Chan. "Yes."

Chan looked at the bag. "Can I carry that?" Jeonghan shook his head. "Why not?"

Jeonghan told him "There's stuff in here only I can have." He dug around the bag and pulled out one of the tickets. "Here, when we get to where we give our tickets, give this to whoever running it"

Inside the museum, Chan wanted to see everything. He wanted to look a skeleton of a T-rex. "It's so big. I want to be that big someday." Jeonghan and Seungcheol hid back laughter. They saw some fossilized dinosaur eggs. "Look at this! I wonder what kind of egg I came out of." Jeonghan both looked at each other, both thinking 'should we tell him?'

Later The three found a picture of a mommy dinosaur curled around some eggs. "So cute!" Chan looked at the picture. "It's just like Papa." Chan noticed a tiny sign by the picture. He tried to figure out what it was. He could read a few words but he didn't know what it said. "Hey, Dad..." Chan turned around, but his fathers weren't there. Chan panicked "Papa! Dad!" Chan started to walk around looking for his fathers.

He was starting to cry. He noticed a security guard and went to him, thinking they must know to be his fathers are. While walking he noticed to men talking to him, one of which was holding a bag.

"Papa!" Chan ran up to them.

"Chan. oh my goodness." Jeonghan picked him up ad kissed his face all over.

Seungcheol apologized to the security guard for bothering him. The three walked to a quieter place in the museum. Chan was still crying. "I missed you guys. Where did you go?"

Jeonghan rubbed Chan's back, "We didn't mean to leave you. We just got separated from you." Seungcheol dried Chan's tears, "But don't worry, we will always be therefore you. Okay."

Chan hugged both of them and then yawned. Jeonghan smiled, "We should get home for a nap. It will be easier to keep an eye on you."

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