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"Okay Chan, help me carry this." Seungcheol handed Chan a bundle of flowers. Seungcheol picked up a tray of pancakes. "Let's go, but be really quiet." Chan nodded and walked his tiptoes.

Seungcheol opened the door to his and his husband's bedroom. Jeonghan was sleeping, at least he was until Chan ran up to him and jumped on him. "Papa, papa! Wake up. Dad and I have a surprise for your birthday. Wake up. Wake up!"

Seungcheol picked him up. Jeonghan sat up in bed and Seungcheol kissed him. "Happy birthday! We made your pancakes." Seungcheol placed the tray on Jeonghan lap.

"I got you flowers. Look!" Chan waved the flowers. Seungcheol picked up Chan and placed him next to Jeonghan. "I helped make the pancakes too!"

"Did you?" Jeonghan poured syrup on the pancakes.

"Yeah. Dad mixed all the stuff in the bowl and I stirred the bowl and I helped pour it on the pan." Chan smiled proudly. Jeonghan started to eat pancakes.

"He was a good help," said Seungcheol. Jeonghan cut off a very small bit of pancake and gave it to Chan. "Here you go. It's for your hard work." Chan happily ate it.

"I forgot something." Chan ran out of the room.

"Where is he going?" Seungcheol asked while looking at the door, "... How are your pancakes?"

"Amazing, thanks for making them."

"Anything for you." Seungcheol kissed him and laid down next to him.

Dino ran back into the room. "Look at this card! I made it for you." Dino gave the card to his papa.

Jeonghan opened the card. In it was drawing of three stick figures, one was much smaller than the other two, and everyone was smiling. "It's you me and Dad! Do you like it? I worked very hard on it."

Jeonghan and Seungcheol looked at the card. Jeonghan patted Chan's head. "It's wonderful Chan. Thank you."

Seungcheol smiled, "You're such a good artist." Chan climbed onto the bed next to his dads.

"You like it! I'm happy."

Around noon, everyone got out of bed and started to make lunch. Jeonghan was making everyone sandwiches and opening a bag of chips while Seungcheol and Chan were pouring juice into cups. "Chan, go sit at the table me and Dad will bring your food." Jeonghan grabbed to plates, "Seungcheol go get your-"

"Dad, can you get my cup?" Chan was reaching for his cup, not listening to his papa.

Seungcheol sighed, "Here, now go to the table." Chan went the table, as he walking to the table he was holding the cup upside down. "Good thing that's a sippy cup with a lid. He's so reckless with that, I'm worried for the day he outgrows that." Seungcheol grabbed his plate. "Right, honey?"

"Uhhh.... yeah." Jeonghan walked to the table, placed Chan's plates in front of him. Chan happily ate his sandwich. Seungcheol sat next to Jeonghan. Jeonghan ate his sandwich not talking to anyone. Seungcheol was playing with Chan.

"Chan, the biggest dinosaur in the world eat vegetables, stop taking lettuce off your sandwich. Do you want to be small forever?"

"...yes" whispered Jeonghan. Seungcheol and Chan both looked at him confused. Jeonghan left the table and went to his room. Seungcheol fed Chan the rest of his lunch and put it into bed for nap time. He went to Jeonghan's room.

"Baby, what wrong? You were upset during the entire lunch."

"Chan's going to grow up someday. He not going to be our baby. He going to be out of the house. I don't want that. I want him to my little baby forever." Jeonghan cried into a pillow.

Seungcheol wrapped an arm around him, "that won't happen for a long time. It will be 15 years before he moves out, and, let's be honest, when he turns 25, he will still be our baby. Let's just enjoy this while it last." Seungcheol smiled, "Hey I got reservations at your favorite restaurant. You can't be in a bad mood for that."

Jeonghan went to his closet "What do think I should wear?" Jeonghan began to browse his closet when Chan started to cry. Jeonghan want to his room, "Chan? what's wrong?"

Chan was on the floor next to his bed"Papa! Help me!".

Jeonghan sat next to him, "Did you fall off your bed?"

Chan pointed to under his bed "Dino fell off. I can't get him!"

Jeonghan reached for the stuffed dinosaur and pulled it out from under the bed. "Here he is."

"Thank you, Papa!" Chan grabbed Dino and hugged it tightly. Chan looked so cute, Jeonghan almost cried just looking at him. Jeonghan hugged him tightly.

"Your welcome. I'll help you with anything, I promise."

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