Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

My head lays against the windowpane of the school bus. It was nice and cold. It was going to get even colder when it starts raining, which could be any second now with the thunder.

I was going on a field trip with the entire cross country team. Scott, Stiles, Isaac, and Boyd were on here with me but I distanced myself from them ever since the event that happened a few days ago.

Personally, this is the first time that I've ever experienced a death. It was rather haunting. It's been playing in the back of my mind every minute of the day, and I'm sure I'm not the only one experiencing this as well.

"Derek!" My own scream filled my ears and I winced at the memory. Every time I close my eyes, all I can see is Derek being thrown off a section in an abandoned mall, falling towards his death.

I can't believe he's dead.

I mean, I know I only knew him for about a week, I disliked him after he accused me of killing anyone, but I still hated people dying. Even if they were huge assholes, they don't deserve to die.

My hand moved up to the necklace my Mum had given me when I was younger.

"Happy Birthday, my sweet Addison," It was my birthday. I was turning 10, the big double digits. My first-decade living and breathing. My younger-self looked at the blue box eagerly.

"What is that?" I went to reach for it but Mum had moved it away from my reach, smirking at my eagerness.

"Now, now, Addison, be patient," she told me as we sit in our lounge. My younger-self sighed and gently put my hand down to my side. "Good girl," she hands me the box and my face lit up.

My tiny hands opened the box, inside it was a small necklace. It was a heart, but a yin and yang kind of necklace. "What is this?" My brown eyes met my mother's blue eyes.

"This is a necklace that was given me 15 years ago," my mother begins. "Someone very special gave it to me. He gave it to me on my birthday. Promise me you'll take care of it?"

My little face beamed. "I promise, Mummy! I'll never take it off."

And I haven't. I've never taken this necklace off. I never really understood why it meant so much to her, but it did.

My eyes wander over to Scott, who still seemed to be in pain. We made eye contact briefly before I peeled away and looked out the window.

Sometimes, I still wished he never came to my apartment that day.

"Oh, sorry," I had apologised when I bumped into Scott as I made my way towards the elevator as he did. I frowned. "Why are you here?"

"To see Allison," he explained briefly. "Where are you going?"

"Oh, to get some more eggs," I tell him. "Uncle Chris dropped them when you approached us at that time in the supermarket car park. There's a shop just down the road from here."

Scott nods and pressed the elevator door, it opened in a matter of seconds. When we entered, a man with sunglasses and a stick was in here.

Scott's eyes widen, like he recognised him. "Going down?" The man asks. Scott whips out his claws and my eyes widen. "Come on, Scott put those away. I'd have to be blind, deaf, and quadriplegic for you to be an actual threat. Or maybe you should take a chance. Your heartbeat's steady. You might be afaird of me, but you're controlling it."

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