Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

Whatever Stiles did, it worked. Students were exiting the bus, Coach was yelling at Jared. Allison and Stiles were helping Scott get into the bathroom, Lydia and I entered in soon after.

Allison had helped Scott sit on the ground, leaning against the wall and he groans a little bit. Allison lifts up his t-shirt. "Oh, my God." She whispers. There was veins, and black blood, his wound was insanely gross. "Why didn't you tell us?"

"Sorry," Scott whispers, looking at her with guilt.

"Okay," Allison mutters. "Just give us a second, okay?" Allison stands back up, looking at Stiles, Lydia, and I. "This shouldn't be happening. I've seen him heal from worse than this."

"Okay, what do we do then?" Stiles questions from beside me. "Do we call an ambulance?"

"What if it's too late?" Allison asks, looking at Stiles. "What if they can't help?"

"We gotta do something." Stiles raised his voice slightly.

"You know," I looked down at Scott. He had his eyes closed. I looked at the others. "It could be psychological."

"What do you mean, like, psychosomatic?" Stiles asks, looking down at me.

"She means somatoformic," Lydia adds.


"A physical illness from a psychogenic cause," I cut Stiles off as we locked eyes. Stiles made a hand gesture, telling me to explain more. "Yes, it's all in his head."

"All in his head?" Stiles looked at Scott. "Because of Derek. He's not letting himself heal 'cause Derek died."

"So, what do we do?" Allison asks.

I watched Lydia grab out needles and a thread from her purse. "Sitch him up." Allison lets out a breath but Lydia continues. "I'm serious."

"Maybe all he needs to do is just believe he's healing." I figured. And we got ready.

"Okay," Allison mumbled.

Because I couldn't stand the blood I stepped outside the bathroom, leaning against the wall, kind of guarding it making sure no one goes in there.

I've stopped three people from going in there.

Suddenly, Stiles comes out of the bathroom, alone. "What's happening?" I asked him worriedly, he stopped beside me.

"Allison's stitching him up. We're gonna make sure the bus doesn't leave until she's done." Stiles explained. He grabbed my hand and pulled me along.

"Uh, okay," I mumbled, trailing behind him.

Stiles and I stand by the bus nervously, I shivered due to the cold. Why didn't I pack a jacket with me?

"Are you cold?" Stiles noticed my shivering.

I inhaled. "Just a little."

"Here," Stiles took off his red jacket and hands it to me. Slowly, I reached out and took it, slipping it on and the warmth instantly hit me, making me smile.

"Thanks," I tell him, he nods ever so slightly.

Coach blew the whistle, stepping outside the bus. "Let's go! Back on the bus!" Stiles and I looked at each other worriedly.

They still haven't finished.

We watched as the students begin to pile on the bus, the bus starts to purr back to life. I sent Stiles to stall Coach.

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