Chapter Twenty

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Chapter Twenty

"Here's where we found the den, it's right in the middle of the hiking trails," Scott explained to Allison and I the next day at school. So, Sheriff Stilinski is trying to more than 5 years ago. He reckons that an unknown werewolf that lives in this Beacon had murdered this girl that wasn't found at the car accident that the werewolf had caused.

Now, Scott thinks that the girl is a werecoyote. I mean, he did see her. So now we're trying to hunt her down and turn her back to human so she can go back to her father.

"Well, that could narrow it down." Allison looks down at the device that had the location. She held her books tightly to her. "Coyotes likes trails. But, I think you're right about her not going back to the den. Coyotes don't like wolves."

"And they're really smart," I added in. "If they don't want to be heard, they actually walk on their toes."

Stiles sent me a look. "Coyotes tip-toe?"

I rolled my eyes. "They tip-toe." That's when the bell rings.

"I got to go," Allison tells us. "But, send Addison and I the pinned location."

"Okay," Scott agreed and Allison walked out of our History class. Stiles and I take our seat and Kira had walked up to Scott and they talked for a bit. Kira and Scott took their seats. I looked over to see a grinning Scott who held a booklet of papers.

"All right, everyone," Mr. Yukimura begins. "Let's get started. We were just talking about internment camps and prisoners of war. There's a passage in our reading that I'd like to go over in more detail... Who would like to come up and read-aloud for us?" The class was silent. "Mr. Stilinski, how about you?"

My eyes wander over to Stiles. Oh, no. One of his sides effects of the whole Nemeton thing was reading. He can't read. "Oh, maybe someone else could." Stiles nervously speaks, looking at Mr. Yukimura.

I shoot my hand up. "Oh, I'll do it!" I say, rather a bit too loudly making heads turn to me. I begin to stand up. "I love reading. I could for hours. No, I could read for days, you know what? I'll read the entire bible out the class-"

"Thanks, Addison," Mr. Yukimura cuts me off. "You can read another time, okay? I'm sure Mr. Stilinski is perfectly capable of reading." I paused in my spot and looked down at Stiles, pressing my lips together.

Stiles looked up at me, I could see the panic in his eyes. "Its okay," I mouth to him, putting a thumbs up in encouragement. I sat back down and he stands up. Stiles mutters under his breath and walked up to the bookstand.

I watched him struggling to read. He keeps squeezing his eyes tightly and reopening. As if when he closes his eyes and opens them, he'll be able to read. He gripped onto the bookstand and I noticed tears forming in his eyes.

Stiles glanced up slowly to the class as they wait for him to read. I bite my lip as I made eye contact with him. Stiles doesn't look so great. Scott slowly stands up, noticing his best friend's uneasiness. "Stiles? You okay?" He asked slowly.

Stiles stumbles a bit, holding onto the bookstand for balance and I jumped up. "We should take him to the office," I tell Mr. Yukimura, Scott was standing right beside Stiles.

Mr. Yukimura nods. "One of you can," Scott and I made eye contact and I nod at him, telling him he should go with Stiles. He should be the one that goes with him. Scott knows Stiles better than I do, he can help him.

I took a seat back in class. 45 minutes later, the bell rings. "Do not forget the chapters on president carter and the commission wartime relocation." Mr. Yukimura called out to the class. I stood up along with the rest of the class and looked over at Scott and Stiles' seats.

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