Chapter Thirty-Seven

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Chapter Thirty-Seven

"The couch put him on the couch," Scott had urged Ethan as a limp Stiles' was in his arms. Lydia had found in a car park unconscious.

"Guys, this is is crazy," Melissa rants. "He needs to be in the hospital." We were at their house.

Scott looked at his mother. "Mum, remember what happened last time he went to the hospital?" I watched as Deaton had pulled up Stiles' shirt, a deep cut in his stomach appeared.

"It doesn't look like he's bleeding," Deaton noted. "I think he might even be healing."

"You mean healing as we heal?" I asked and they all looked at me with a look.

"What are you talking about?" Melissa questioned, frowning.

I sighed. "Derek told me the truth guys, you don't have to keep it a secret anymore. I'm technically a werewolf. Derek's mother took away my transformation when I was a newborn."

Melissa half nods, still concerned. "But uh, that's good, right?" Scott asks, referring to the healing.

"For him, yes." Deaton looked up at Stiles. "Us?" He looked at us. "I'm not so sure."

Aiden stepped forward. "Well, if we're not gonna kill him, why aren't we at least tying him down with really big chains?"

"I might have something effective," Deaton had grabbed a briefcase and opened it. He pulls out a bottle that had some sort of liquid inside it. Scott and Aiden had walked over and grabbed ahold of Stiles' face, Aiden opens his mouth. Deaton puts some liquid into his mouth.

I clutched onto Lydia when Void Stiles' eyes opened and gave Aiden a sharp look, Aiden was still holding onto Void Stiles' jaw. Void Stiles had grabbed ahold of Aiden's throat. "Get him off me!" Aiden hisses and Scott jumps in to help Aiden.

Finally, Scott pry's Void Stiles' fingers from his throat and Lydia had gasped and quickly caught Aiden from stumble back, leaving my side.

"Kanima venom." Void Stiles' shakily lets out, sounding a lot like normal Stiles. His hands were shaking and his eyes were wide, staring at his hands. His eyes dart over to Deaton. "Nice touch."

Aiden got out his claws, letting out a loud growl, stepping towards Void Stiles. "You know how they say that twins get a feeling when the other ones in pain?" Void Stiles' questions, throwing Aiden off guard completely. "You didn't lose that talent, too, did you? Oh, I hope not. You're gonna need it."

Scott and Aiden looked at each other, confused and Void Stiles' is smirking. "Okay," he says; in a playful tone. "I'll give you a little hint. Ethan's at the school."

"Go," Scott tells Aiden sharply.

Aiden had run off, Void Stiles' had put his head back on the couch, chuckling to himself. "Oh, I hope he gets there in time." Void Stiles says. "I like the twins." The back of his head rolled on the couch to left, looking at Scott. "Short tempers. Homicidal compulsions. They're a lot more fun than you bakemono trying to save the world every day."

"Doc, you brought something to paralyze his body," Scott's mother had stepped forward next to me. "You got anything for his mouth?"

Deaton made eye contact with Void Stiles'. "Yes, I do." He had pulled out some duck tap and brought it towards Void Stiles' lips. Successfully, he had tapped his lips together shut. Void Stiles' lets out a scream, his eyes darting around widely with a glare.

We all gathered into the kitchen. "How much longer do you think we can have him?" Scott questions Deaton.

Deaton shrugged. "I wish I knew. But if we don't figure out something soon, we're going to need to find a better place to keep him. I think we're grossly underestimating the danger here. He might be paralyzed, but it still feels like he's got us right in the palm of his hand."

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