Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Chapter Twenty-Nine

I sat up abruptly in my bed late at night, my tired eyes scanning my room. Why did I wake up? Suddenly, a glow from my phone caught my eye from my nightstand that was next to my bed and I reached over to check it.

Stiles was calling me.

I frowned. I haven't talked to Stiles in about 2 days, things are just awkward now between him and I. I kind of miss him, but I push those thoughts aside and focused on my anger.

I sighed and rubbed my eyes, what could he possibly want at this hour of the night? I picked it up. "Hi," I put it on speaker. I frowned when Stiles didn't respond, there was a slight buzzing sound on the other end of the phone. "Stiles?" I heard his breathing. It was more of nervous breathing, it was heavy.

I sat up a little bit, something was telling me something was wrong. "Stiles?" I asked softly. "Are you there?"

"A-Addison?" He stutters a little over the phone, he had whispered my name out. He sounded scared.

"Hey," I tell him. "I'm here... You okay? Can you hear me?"

"Addison, I don't... I don't know where I am," Stiles admits over the phone shakily and I frowned again. What does he mean he doesn't know where he is? "I don't know how I got here." He definitely sounded scared. "I think was sleepwalking."

"Okay, um," I mumbled, wondering why he called me instead of Scott. "Can you see anything? Just tell me what you see."

"Ah, it's dark," Stiles answered my question shakily. "It's hard to see. I think there's something wrong with my..." The phone then disconnects, making my breath hitch.

"Stiles?" I squeaked out, wondering why he hung up on me. I got out of my bed, pacing around my room anxiously, calling him again.

"Hey, this is Stiles and you missed me. Leave a message..." Stiles' voice went to inbox and I frowned.

I hung up; worried now. Now he won't answer my calls? Something is seriously wrong and he needs to answer me, like right now.

I tried calling again and inhaled sharply. "Come on," I mutter under my breath.

"Hey, this is Sti..." I hung up again frustratedly and threw my phone to the bed, letting out a short yell. My eyes widen, shit, I didn't mean to yell.

"God, come on," I muttered and suddenly my phone started to ring again; I dived on my bed and picked up the phone. "Stiles?"

"Addison," he shakily said. "I don't think I can get out of here. I can't move."

"Where are you?" I asked again, quickly this time because I can't afford him hanging up on me like that again.

"I don't know," he whimpered out, making my heartache for him. He's terrified. "I don't know, it's too dark. I can't see much and something's wrong with my leg. Its stuck on something. And its... I think its bleeding."

"How bad?" I nervously asked. "Stiles, how bad is it?" My eyes widen when Stiles' didn't answer me and I was scared he had hung up on me again. "Stiles, are you there? Can you hear me?"

"Ah, there's some kind of smell down here," Stiles admits and I let out a nervous sigh. He's still here, that's good. "Something smell terrible. It's brutal. My eyes are watering."

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