Chapter Seventeen

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Chapter Seventeen

Allison was the first to jump out of the water and I got scared and yelped. My heart had stopped racing and it calmed down. Oh, thank God she is alive. Then Stiles came out alive, then and Scott was last.

"I saw it," Scott announced, standing up into the bathtub. "I know where it is."

"We passed it." Stiles was also standing up in the bath, his wild eyes looking at all of us and he hopped out of the bathtub. "And, and there's this stump, this huge tree. Well, it's not huge anymore. It was cut down. But its still big, though, very big,"

The three of them hopped out and I looked at them worriedly. "It was the night we were looking for the body," Scott shoots Stiles a look and I scrunched up my face a little. They went looking for a body?

"Yeah," Stiles quickly nodded. "The same night you were bit by Peter."

"I was there too," my cousin cuts in, Scott and Stiles looked at her. "I was in the car with my mother we almost hit someone."

Realisation flashed across Scott's face and he looked at her with wide eyes. "It was me. You almost hit me." Allison lets out a gasp. Scott looked at Deaton. "We can find it."

"What?" Allison questions, wrapping her arms around her as she looked at our worried faces.

"You guys were out for a long time." Isaac slowly said, making eye contact with Allison.

"How long is a long time?" Stiles looked at me.

I scratched my head. "16 hours." I bite my lip. They were out for a very long time. I had to leave because I was getting way to overwhelmed. Deaton told me I should get some rest and I left. I lied though, I didn't get any rest, I went to Derek's Loft.

I knocked on the door in the Loft hesitantly. My eyes scanning the big door as it opens. It was Derek who had opened the door. He didn't say anything, he turned around and walked back into his Loft.

I followed silently. "What did you do?" I asked quietly, I didn't really have to speak loud as he probably could've heard me say that from a mile away. "How'd you know where I was?"

Derek turned around, locking eyes with me. He then shined his eyes and I noticed how the colours in them had changed. They were cold blue steel now, rather than a bright red colour. "I healed Cora completely." He tells me and stopped glowing his eyes.

"But you sacrificed being an Alpha." I finished. Then it hit me. Kali. She's going to kill him. "But, but what Kali?"

"I can handle her," Derek muttered, his eyes looking up at the spiral stairs. "You don't need to worry about that." He paused for a moment. "How are the other guys?" I had a strong feeling Deaton had already told him what was happening.

"10 hours." I count, looking down at my watch for reference. "10 hours and a half. Deaton suggested I rest, but I couldn't so I came here."

Derek narrowed his eyes slightly, looking at me up and down. "You should've taken his advise, you look like a wreck."

I mocked a laugh. "You should look at yourself." We stopped the bickering and I pressed my lips together. "I should probably-"

"Do you wanna see Cora?" Derek offered, genuine laced in his voice. A small smile fell on my lips and I nodded, before following Derek up the spiral stairs.

Chaos | Stiles Stilinski ✓Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ