Chapter Thirty-Five

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Chapter Thirty-Five

"You want to handcuff me?" I watched sneakily around the corner as Sheriff Stilinski had pulled out some handcuffs, my heart pounds slightly seeing Stiles stand in the middle. The light shines behind him; the sun still hasn't gone down yet thankfully.

"If my son is still here," Sheriff Stilinski walks closer to him. "If there's still a part of him standing here in front of me, then he'll put these on willingly and he'll come with me because he knows I'm here to protect him from himself and from others."

Stiles puts his hand up slightly as Sheriff Stilinski had approached him during his speech. Sheriff Stilinski hesitantly walks closer and cuffs him, tightening the cuffs. I felt a hand slip in mine and I looked behind me, Derek was standing close by me, he didn't glance in my direction he simply just stares ahead.

He gave me a squeeze of reassurance like everything's going to be fine. But it wasn't, in fact, we both knew it was so far from fine, but yet somehow that small hand squeeze from Derek gave me a sense of comfort.

I bite lower lip and peeked out again, Stiles' once distort face looked up at his father with an evil smirk on his face. Sheriff Stilinski had taken a few steps back. "You're not my son," he hissed out, shaking his head.

I flinched when Void Stiles ripped the cuffs apart. That was our cue to come, Derek had let go of my hand and my cousin and Uncle had gone in first, we followed in behind them. Void Stiles looked at us and scoffed.

Allison and I had stood to his right side, Void Stiles took a side glance at me and smirked a little more. Allison holds out a taser and pressed the button, the tasers flying towards him but Void Stiles had grabbed ahold of the electric string and held eye contact with Allison while ripping it apart.

The taser flies off to the side and Allison stumbles forward a little, her eyes widening. Derek had transformed quickly, his eyes glowing and his fangs out as he lets out a growl. He went to punch Void Stiles' head but Void Stiles had blocked him easily.

Void Stiles had grabbed ahold of Derek and knocked him onto a desk beside me making me flinch when Void Stiles' throws Derek towards a wall. I resist to call out for Derek and run over to him, Allison grabbed my hand, making sure I don't go.

I watched as Uncle Chris pulls up his gun, aiming it towards Void Stiles. Void Stiles looked unfazed and simply glanced in his direction, Void Stiles turned towards Uncle Chris, eyeing him carefully.

"Argent, listen to me." Sheriff Stilinski said carefully. "Don't do this."

"Why not?" Uncle Chris hissed out. "I've done it before." My eyes moved to Derek who stands up and was standing behind Void Stiles' a little. "Werewolves, berserkers. I can easily add a Nogitsune to the list."

Sheriff Stilinski had pulled up the gun and aimed it towards Uncle Chris. "You're not going to shoot my son," Sheriff Stilinski threatened.

Uncle Chris made eye contact with Sheriff Stilinski. "You said it yourself, Sheriff." His eyes moved back to Void Stiles. "That's not your son."

"Put it down," Sheriff Stilinski demands. "Put it down."

"Dad, he's going to shoot me," it sounded like Stiles, it did. My heart ached a little, but I knew it was the Nogitsune playing with us. "He's going to kill me, Dad."

"Don't listen," Uncle Chris lowered his voice.

"Put it down," Sheriff Stilinski continues to demand. "Now! Do it! Put it down!"

"Pull the trigger," Void Stiles' challenges, looking over at Uncle Chris. "Come on."

"Listen to me," Sheriff Stilinski had raised his voice. "You put the gun down now!"

Void Stiles' smirks. "Shoot me."

"Put the gun down now!" Sheriff Stilinski bewilders.

"Dad," Allison had played along, looking over at him.

"Shoot me!" Void Stiles yelled out. They argued over top of each other, my heart pounding as Sheriff Stilinski tells Uncle Chris to put the gun down and he wasn't listening, whereas Void Stiles' was telling him to shoot him.

My mind whirls around, remembering what Katashi had said. They fed on chaos, strife, and pain. This is definitely a strife moment. "Strife," I whispered. I looked over at windows, it was growing dark quickly by the second. Derek had noticed where I was looking at, he looked over at the windows, too.

"Stop!" I cried out, my voice sounding like it was being strangled. "Stop it! This is what he wants. This is exactly what he wants."

They arguing had almost stop and Void Stiles' turns his head towards me. "Not exactly." I made eye contact with him. "I was kind of hoping Scott would be here. But I'm glad you all have your guns out. Because you're not here to kill me." Void Stiles had turned around and four Oni's had shown up in the dark, sending shivers down my spine. "You're here to protect me."

Void Stiles had stepped behind Sheriff Stilinski and Uncle Chris. I don't move a muscle when they all gotten ou their swords, I grabbed my new dagger from my boot and pulled out, wiping a few moves as well, twirling it around my fingers before grabbing the handle and lifting it up in the air.

I watched as Uncle Chris tried to shoot but no bullets were in his gun, he clenched his jaw and got one out from his jacket, Sheriff Stilinski began shooting at one of the Oni's, the bullets only hitting the Oni's shoulder, but it barely affected them.

They kept shooting them, I gave Allison my gun and she shoots them as well, Derek and I turned around to see that two Oni's had appeared behind us. They whip out their swords as well and charged at us.

One charged at me, we collide our swords and daggers together, pushing hard against each other. I didn't even realise the other Oni was coming towards me until Derek had fallen on the ground with a deep cut in his shoulder, he winced as he looked up, holding onto his shoulder.

I released our hold and kicked the Oni in the gut, he stumbles back. I didn't even get a chance to attack them again, they just vanished along with Void Stiles. We all stood there, dumbfounded. Where the hell did he go?

I dropped my dagger and knelt on the ground to my father. "Oh, my God," I whispered out shakily, looking at his shoulder, a deep cut in his shoulder. "Oh, my God."

"I'm fine," Derek tells me gently. "I'm okay. You're okay, right? They didn't hurt you?"

"They didn't touch me," I whispered back. I had just realised that he had saved me from getting a deep cut like his, causing my heart to almost melt.

Suddenly, someone comes through the door and we all looked up. Alarmed Uncle Chris, Sheriff Stilinski, and Allison all aimed their guns to Scott and Kira.

"What happened?" Scott pants, looking at us.

"They disappeared," Allison answered. "They literally just vanished." Scott walks down the stairs.

"And so did Stiles."



Thanks so much for all the love and support, I love y'all so much!

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