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The door creaks open and I slowly walk into the room. A rude looking woman, whom I assume is my English teacher tells me to take a seat. I quickly go and sit in the back row by the window.

Once the bell has rung and every seat is filled apart from a seat next to me, she starts the roll. She is reading out the names and everyone replies with a here apart from a guy named Levi. The teacher, whose name is Miss Wilkinson, tells everyone to go round the room introducing themselves. It's soon my turn and all the students turn to look at me,

"hi, my name is Ruby Carter as you know, I have 6 older brothers and two of them go here but the rest came here, and I like to play volleyball." When I mentioned that I have 6 older brothers everyone seemed to pale like they knew my brothers.

I had just sat down when the door slammed open and a guy walked in, he was stunning. High cheekbones, dark hair that seemed to fall perfectly on his face and tan skin. You could see the muscles through his thin white t-shirt. He easily towers over the teacher and looks like he is at least 6'2, which is quite tall for a 16 or 17 year old. Oh yeah I probably forgot to mention i'm doing junior classes.

"Sorry miss W, had more important things to be doing." He says while walking to the back of the class. I assume this guy is Levi, he keeps walking until he gets to my seat. I don't think he has noticed I am there yet until he looks down. "Move'' he asks, more like commands. The entire class goes quite, as though waiting for me to move. "No," I say sweetly while smiling at him. Levi stares at me for a moment before smirking and taking the seat next to me.

Everyone looks confused as to what just happened, but Miss Wilkinson quickly gets out of her daze and continues the class. I stare at Levi for a bit until he catches me so I quickly look away.

I manage to find all my classes and find out that Levi is in all of them so far. Levi feels the need to talk to me and piss me off in every class, which resulted in me yelling for him to stop and getting in trouble from the teacher for yelling.

It soon becomes lunch and as I'm making my way to the cafeteria, I feel two sets of hands clamp down on my back and realise it's my brothers, making their presence known.

"Hey sweetheart," Toby says.

"hiya" I replied.

"So how have your classes been so far?" Tommy asks me.

"They have been pretty good thanks, apart from the fact that I have one really annoying guy in all of my classes".

"Guy?" Toby questions.

"Yeah but he is an asshole, so don't worry about him."

"What's his name?" Tommy stops me in the hallway. "Levi, I don't know his last name." My older brother looked at each other before saying in synch "Do not talk to him" the say scarily quiet. "I'll try my best, but he is in all of my classes." I say to them. 

"We can sort that out don't worry." Toby says while smirking at Tommy.

"Okay, I don't mind." I say.

"So you are to come here everyday and wait outside the doors for us. Okay?" Tommy tells me.

"Yep, now can we go eat?" I complain.

They both chuckle and we walk into the room together.

Hi everyone, thanks for reading chapter 2. Hope you enjoyed it! Also I forgot to mention this but I haven't attached any pictures so you can imagine them however you want. And thank you so much for 50 reads!!! I never even thought I'd get 10.

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