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Next day-
  "You are back sweetie!!Where's kookie?I made fries for you two!" Mom said.
  "I don't know." I didn't tell mom that kookie isn't walking home with me anymore.
"Did you guys fight?" Mom inquired.
"No,eomma!" I stated nonchalantly.
"That's strange!" Mom sighed.

I went straight to my room & changed my uniform to comfy clothes & came downstairs.
There I saw bunny,enjoying the fries with a mouthful.
  "Noona,come .These are so yum..!" Kookie shouted with obvious excitement.
I didn't reply him.I grabbed some fries & went to my room.I was obviously a bit upset with him .Shouldn't I?

The whole day I ignored kookie but he didn't even notice. I guess I'm gonna avoid him until he realizes.

1 week later-
  I'm done with my exams finally. Now I'm so free...ahh!! Last few days kookie didn't show up that much bcz of my exams .My mom doesn't compromise with my studies with anyone..she wants me to be a doctor one day.
I missed my bunny so freaking much.So,I'm waiting for him at the school corridor though I know he goes home with his friend. But I want to see him at least for once right now .
As soon as kookie saw me he ran to me."Noona, you're waiting for me?"he smiled.
"N-no...ahh,yes!" I stuttered.
"OK,let's go." Kookie said wrapping my hand with his.
"Ain't you going with your friend?" I asked a bit confused.
"No..I miss you!" He smile showing his bunny teeth making me smile also.Suddenly I forgot all the complaints I had...

The whole day we played video games & as always I lost like thousand times.But I don't regret though..
That night I slept so peacefully thinking that my Bunny is back to me .But only if I knew....

Summer vacation-
   Our summer vacation starts from today but I'm not happy at all.
Because, my happiness has gone to visit his sick grandpa with his parents.
For the very first time in my life,I'm not happy having a whole month vacation. I'm also turning 14 next week without having kookie on that occasion.

My 14th birthday-
Dear diary,
  Today I've become of 14yrs old.I'm growing old he he..I'm happy but sad also.The most precious gift that bunny gives me always on my birthday is missing .He'd always give me handmade paintings of us with his adorable bunny smile as a bonus.But all I want now is ,only to see my bunny smiling before me.Does he even miss me?

After summer vacation-
"Ugh,finally my snally my school starts!" I mumbled to myself. I went to school early only to meet my happiness there.Mom said they came back last night after his grandpa's funeral.He passed away a few days ago .I just pray that my lil bunbun is over the pain of his loss.
  As soon as the bell rang ,I rushed out of my class to not miss my bunny.I was waiting at the exit scanning all the children there.

  "Hey,babysitter!Still waiting for the baby?" Taehyung tapped my shoulder.
Oh,I forgot to inform you about the topper Kim Taehyung.The most handsome boy of the school yet most talented.. unfortunately my best friend, more like a study partner.
  "Yeah,whatever!" I rolled my eyes with annoyance.

"Yaahh,Miss Whatever. Your baby has gone with his friend.So,let's go have some icecream.My treat." Tae  offered.
"You saw him?" I asked.
"Yeah,now let's go!" He kind of dragged me to the nearby icecream parlor.I couldn't help smiling at his cuteness.

Jk's  P.O.V-
  I came to school after a whole month vacation. This vacation has been so unlucky for me ..my grandpa...
But I was a bit happy that I'd meet noona after so long.As I was approaching the exit to find noona,there they both were laughing together "y/n & his best friend"....
I was engrossed looking at them when someone called me..
" Jungkookaah.."Irish called me from her car & I snapped out of my thought.I went to the car thinking that none even missed me a bit!!

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