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Iduna was cleaning the back steps of the Garrison when she saw Tommy, in all his glory on the back of a white horse, that she assumed was the horse he had gotten from the Lee family. Iduna watches as the horse gets spooked by a loud noise from the factory. She tilts her head, watching as Tommy soothes the horse with soft-spoken words and kindness. Whatever Tommy said worked as the horse begins walking alongside Tommy.

Iduna realises she hadn't done what she had come out to do and sloshes the contents of the bucket out. Tommy quickly steps back to avoid being covered in the contents of the bucket. His head turns up to see Iduna.

"I'm so sorry," Iduna says.

"It's alright Miss Darling," Tommy says.

"Call me Iduna " She replies. "No need for airs and graces in Small Heath"

The usually stoic man cracks a small smile as he stares at the woman. He felt as if she was the sun and he was basking in her radiance.

"I suppose not," Tommy says. "As long as you call me Tommy"

"He's beautiful," Iduna says, turning to the horse. "Have you got a name for him?"

"He doesn't have a name" Tommy replies and Iduna begins petting the horse's head.

"Poor boy deserves a name," Iduna says as the horse leans into her touch.

"You have something to say to me" Tommy states.

"The other night, you came into the pub when Grace and I were singing," Iduna says, keeping her hand on the horse. "You said singing wasn't allowed but I think it makes everyone feel better. Just Saturday nights. Harry was too scared to ask and Grace didn't know how to approach you."

"But not you," Tommy says, a small smirk on his lips.

"I've met worse people than you, Tommy," Iduna says quietly as the horse rests his head on her shoulder. "But I love singing"

"Do you like horses?" Tommy asks and Iduna nods. "Fancy earning some extra money?"

"Doing what?" Iduna asks, squinting her eyes suspiciously.

"Dig out a nice dress. I'm taking you to the races" Tommy says and Iduna nods.

Tommy offers her another smile before lifting himself onto the horse. He offers her a tip of his hat before the horse begins to trot away.


Iduna sits alone in the Garrison, having sent Grace home. Harry had asked her to count the cash because he wanted to go to the pictures with his wife. The woman had a cigarette dangling between her lips, inhaling the toxic fumes. A bang on the door causes the woman to jump, her knee knocking against the table.

Curses fall from Iduna's lips as the coins fall from their piles, meaning she'd have to start from scratch. A huff escapes her lips as she opens the door to reveal Tommy Shelby, soaked to the bone from the torrential rain.

"We're closed," Iduna says, pointing at the closed sign in the door.

"Just get me a drink," Tommy says, throwing his hat on the table.

"A please would be nice," The woman says as she pours him a glass of whiskey.

"Do you want me to leave?" Iduna asks and Tommy shakes his head.

"I came here for company," He replies. "Where's Harry?"

"He took the night off and went with his wife and kids to see some new movie at the pictures" Iduna replies, sitting on a chair opposite him. "How's your beautiful horse?"

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