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There's a knock on the door after Iduna and Sebastian had gotten ready for a wedding. Tommy refused to tell her who was getting married.

"Iduna love it's Polly," The voice of the Shelby matriarch fills the house as Iduna applies her lipstick.

"Go and answer the door Seb," Iduna says. "Polly's there"

Sebastian's face lights up.

"Coming Aunt Polly" Sebastian calls running down the stairs.

"Don't you look handsome, my darling boy," Polly says as Iduna walks down the stairs.

"You look beautiful Polly," Iduna says.

"I've not got a patch on you dear," Polly says and Iduna blushes.

Iduna is called over by Arthur to settle an angry John.

"He didn't take the news well," Arthur says.

"I'm not surprised" Iduna replies before approaching John.

"'Duna," John says. "I don't want this- I"

"John, John" Iduna says, placing a hand on his face. "Listen to me" John looks into Iduna's eyes. "This wedding will stop a war. Everyone will be safe. Your kids, Seb, Finn, your brothers, Polly, Ada. Think about them, John"

"What about you?" John asks.

"What about me?" Iduna asks.

"You're family too," John says and Iduna smiles and kisses John's cheek.

"Let's get you married John" Iduna says and John nods.

The two hug before John walks down the aisle and kneels on a box. Iduna stands next to Tommy at the back as Sebastian sits with John's children.

"Thanks," Tommy says. "For calming John down"

"Well John's my best friend, he just needed to hear some sense," Iduna says, watching as the bride walks down the aisle.

Once everyone settled, Johnny Dogs began the ceremony.

"We're here today to join in matrimony this man and this woman. So they can live in truth and harmony and togetherness, which is sanctioned and honoured by the presence and the power of these two families-"

"It's a bit fucking long-winded" Arthur grumbles into Iduna's ear and she bites her lip to stop her laughing as she nods.

"Do you, John Michael Shelby, take Esme Martha Lee to be your beautiful wife"

"I do," John says.

"Do you Esme Martha Lee, take this man to be your husband to have and to hold, in sickness and in health until death do you part?"

"I do," Esme says.

"Then there remains one more part of the ceremony," Johnny Dogs says. "The mingling of the blood"

"That's unsanitary" Iduna shudders.

Johnny held out a knife and drew it across John's palm then Esme's. They turned to each other and clasped hands.

"The two families become one," Johnny Dogs says. "I now pronounce you man and wife!" Everyone cheers and John makes eye contact with Iduna who winks with a big grin before she brings her fingers to her lips and whistles.

One thing that the Lees and Shelbys knew, was how to party.

Iduna was having the time of her life dancing with the Lees. Iduna was being passed among the men as she laughs, her hair fanning behind her. The curls she had so carefully done this morning had fallen out and her hair was wild. She makes eye contact with Tommy who grins at her.

After a while, Iduna sits down to rest her legs.

"Giving up already?" Tommy's voice sounds out.

Iduna looks up as Tommy offers her his hand. Iduna places her hand in his and the two begin dancing with the others. Iduna looks up at Tommy, her eyes alight with happiness as a big smile paints across her lips as he dips her before pulling her up close. Eventually, John and Arthur whisk her away for drinks. Lots of.

But in true Shelby fashion, all hell breaks loose.

"Come look, Esme!" Ada's voice rings out but in Iduna's eyes, there are two of her. "Look at the family you joined. The brother who chooses his brother's wife for him. Hunts his own sister down like a rat and tries to kill his own brother in law. Now he won't even let me have a fucking dance, at a fucking wedding"

Ada heaves heavily before water splashes down. Iduna giggles.

"She pissed herself"

"Holy shit water," Polly says.

"Bloody hell Ada" Arthur yells. "You do pick your times." Polly looks at Iduna.

"She's going to be no use," Polly says, watching as she and Arthur lean on each other, equally as drunk.

Arthur and Iduna are clutching each other as John swerves down Watery Lane. Iduna climbs out of the car and pukes onto the pavement, heaving loudly. Arthur laughs as he throws his arm over her shoulder.

"Let's go wet this baby's head," Tommy says and Iduna, John and Arthur cheer. Polly informs the group that she'll watch Finn and Sebastian for them, that Iduna needed to have some fun for once.

Iduna walks between John and Arthur, both of them with an arm around her shoulders as they sing loudly. Tommy laughs at the three, the only one semi-sober, for now.

Grace jumps as the door opens and watches amused as Iduna stumbles over to her.

"Hey" Iduna slurs.

"Hi," Grace says, laughing.

"Iduna, help me at cards" John yells.

"Duty calls," Iduna says, saluting clumsily.

Polly storms into the Garrison.

"It's a boy," Polly says and Tommy grins as Iduna watches. But she immediately sobers up when Polly begins to attack Tommy. "But the police came and took the father away" Tommy's face morphs to one of confusion. "Don't you look at me like that" She spits at Tommy's feet. "Liar!"

John and Arthur leave.

"You didn't do it" Iduna states.

"How do you know?" Tommy asks.

"Your face," Iduna says. "You couldn't have looked more shocked if you tried and Ada means a lot to you"

"Looks like you're the only one," Tommy says and Iduna shrugs before handing him a whisky.

"That means you're not alone" Is Iduna's response and Tommy feels his heart warm slightly as Iduna rests her hand on his arm.

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