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Iduna, Tommy, John and Arthur are sat in the Snug interviewing men. Iduna lights her cigarette as a young man comes in. Her head tilts to the side, analysing his movements. He was nervous, which was understandable but he had no darkness in his eyes. No maliciousness and in this line of work you need to not be soft. Iduna having toughened up a bit from eight years ago. The young man takes his hat off. Iduna grabs her lighter and lights her cigarette.

"Alright then," Arthur says. "Name?"

"The Digbeth Kid" The man replies.

"The Dig-" Arthur looks at Iduna who was sitting under Tommy's arm. Iduna bites her lip. "What are you? A boxer?"

"Digbeth Kid, like Billy the Kid" The Digbeth kid replies.

"So you want to die at twenty-one?" Iduna asks. "Interesting" John snickers as he eyes the kid up.

"Spend a lot of time at the pictures, eh?" Tommy asks. "Cowboy pictures? Tom Mix? Yeah?" The kid nods and moves his jacket. He reveals a holster and pulls out a gun. John and Arthur respond immediately, pointing their guns at him.

"What are you-" Arthur begins.

"Wait! Wait!" The Digbeth Kid says. "It's not a real gun"

"Let's have a look then, eh?" Tommy stands up and takes the gun.

"It's made of wood," The Digbeth Kid says. Tommy chuckles as he holds the gun up.

"Bang, bang" Tommy says pointing it at Arthur and John who plays dead. "Very nice"

"Where'd you get the gun belt?" Iduna asks.

"My sister made it out of an old blacksmith's apron" The Digbeth Kid replies. "My mum did most of the stitching. She's not my real mum but-"

"But she does what mothers do," Tommy says, an amused smile on his lips. "So she made you a gun belt"

"Alright, then mother's boy," Arthur says. "There's a door on you go. We're looking-" Iduna hits his arm.

"Play nice" Iduna says. "Besides he could be useful" Iduna circles him. "No one would suspect him."

"Have you ever been arrested?" Tommy asks as Iduna slips back under his arm.

"Yeah" The Digbeth Kid replies.

"Yeah?" Tommy says in a questioning tone.

"No," The Digbeth Kid says.

"Good," Tommy says. "You're the first bloke we've had in here today with no criminal record. Arthur, we can stand him up. Do you know what that means?" The Digbeth Kid shakes his head. "The new Home Secretary wants something done about illegal gambling"

Tommy's words have three responses.

"Damn right," John says, slamming his hand on the table.

"About bloody time," Arthur says.

"I do hate petty criminals like that" Iduna says and Arthur throws a coaster at her.

"We help our coppers make their quota of convictions by having men stood up to be arrested," Tommy says. "First offence, you'll get a week inside. We'll give you five quid for your trouble" The Digbeth Kid smiles. "How does that sound cowboy?"

"Yeah," He says with a nod.

"Good," Tommy says.

"Write your address down for Finn on your way out," Iduna says.

"I can't write," The Digbeth Kid says.

"That's alright, Finn can't read," John says. Iduna pulls a pen out of her pocket and grabs a piece of paper. The Digbeth Kid tells her his address and Iduna writes it out. "I can't fucking read that, it's all bloody loops and swirls" Iduna hands The Digbeth Kid the paper.

"Finn will give it to someone who can read," Iduna says.

"We'll send someone round," Tommy says.

"If," John says. "The sheriff doesn't run you out of town first" Iduna giggles with Arthur as he leaves.

"I don't know Tom," Arthur says. "Kids these days"

"They didn't fight," Tommy says. "So they're different, they stay kids"


Iduna runs out of the Garrison dramatically placing her hand on her head.

"Oh someone help me, it's The Digbeth Kid"

Arthur bursts out of the doors and Iduna mock gasps. Iduna begins running down the road as Arthur and John chase her, through the streets of Small Heath. Iduna pretends to shoot them with her gun.

"Pew Pew" Arthur shouts as they run. Tommy strolls behind them laughing. John scoops Iduna up over her shoulder and runs with her into the family house as she squeals.

"Run for the hills it's The Digbeth Kid" Arthur yells.

"Get out of town kid!" John yells. "Or I will shoot you're fucking head off"

"Time's up," Arthur says. "Pew. You're dead. Go down. John!"

"Oh hey, Michael" Iduna says, spotting the boy at the table from the gap between John's arms.

"Alright then Polly," Arthur says as he and John snicker, placing Iduna back onto her feet. "Who's this?"

"Meet Polly's son," Iduna says, emphasising the word. "Michael."

Michael shakes their hands.

"Pleased to meet you," Michael says.


"I'm Arthur, you already met me. I used to throw you out of the window so John could catch you"

"I used to put you in a shoebox and kick you down Watery Lane"

"Nice to properly meet you, Michael," Iduna says, extending her hand and Michael kisses it. "I'm Iduna"

"I bet you're glad to be back," Tommy says, a smile on his lips.

"I don't remember any of it," Michael says. "All I remember is the day they took me away" Polly walks over to Michael and hugs him just as Sebastian runs in.

"Mum!" Sebastian says. "I ran a hundred metres in 15 seconds today"

"Well done Seb" Iduna says. "Michael, this is my son Sebastian. Seb, this is Polly's son Michael."

"Nice to meet you," Michael says as Sebastian runs to tell his news to Tommy. "Is he Tommy's?"

"No," Iduna says. "It's a long story which I don't want to bore you with"

"Welcome to the Shelby family," Tommy says.

"Later we'll show you the ropes," Arthur says.

"Yeah, we'll show you what's what," John says.

"Let's leave him be for now," Tommy says. Tommy, Iduna and Seb leave with Arthur and John in tow.

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