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"Here he is," John says, walking into the garage with a man that Iduna is yet to be acquainted with. "Mr Inconspicuous"

"Corporal Billy Kitchen," Tommy says and Iduna's jaw drops. "Bloody grand to see you"

"Billy?" Iduna asks.

"Miss Iduna!" Billy says, hugging the woman.

"How have you been?" Iduna asks.

"You two know each other?" Tommy asks.

"Yeah she saved my life when I got shot in the war," Billy says.

"I've just come out of bandages myself," Tommy says.

"Ready for active service," Billy says. "Thanks for seeing me here Tommy"

"It's alright Bil," Tommy says. "You don't have to stand in line for us. We're looking for men like you. But you have to pass the medical first"

"Sheffield mob showed up," Billy says, showing a patch on his chest. "At Wincanton trotting track. I took a bullet"

"When do the bandages come off?" Tommy asks.

"When I take 'em off," Billy says.

"Still a stubborn old bastard then," Iduna says with a smile. Billy shrugs.

"One week not before," Tommy says.

"You'll smell no rot," Billy says. "There's no gangrene."

"It's been a long time, eh, Billy?" Tommy says. "What did you do with your medals?"

"Threw them into the cut," Billy says. "Same as you"

"It was never an 'ardship to have you Black Country Boys on our left flank," Tommy says.

"And you Brummies did alright on our right," Billy says.

"Damn right," John says.

"I want you to be the head of a brigade, Billy," Tommy says. "It'll be Brigadier Kitchen from now on. You'll have a hundred men under your command."

"Now we've got a member of the Kitchen family on the payroll," John says. "Maybe your cousins and brothers will let our boats pass through the Black Country without being held up and robbed"

"I don't know what you're talking about," Billy says.

"Go home Bil," Tommy says. "Round up any good men you can trust and put the word out. Black Country Boys and Brummie Boys are on the same side again"

"That'll be the bloody day," Billy says.

"Well this is the bloody day," Tommy says. Tommy shakes Billy's hand. "London, man. There for the taking"


Iduna stands next to Alfie as the men filter through.

"You're looking a lot less rough," Alfie says.

"Thanks," Iduna says.

"Name?" Alfie asks.

"Abbey Heath"



"Good lad," Alfie says, throwing him a piece of paper. "Fill it out, fuck off. Next lad! Name?"

"Buddy Halls"

"Buddy Halls, right. Profession?"


"Good lad, fill it out, fuck off. Next lad! Name?"

"Billy Kitchen"

"Billy Kitchen" Alfie repeats. "Occupation?"

"Head Baker"

"Fill it out," Alfie says.

"What, no fuck off this time" Iduna teases and Alfie rolls his eyes.

"You can fuck off as well," Alfie says with a grin and Iduna leaves, blowing him a playful kiss before joining Tommy.

"Alright boys," Tommy says, pacing in front of the men as Iduna watches from her spot sitting on the table next to Alfie. "You've now all been enrolled as bakers in the Aerated Bread Company of Camden Town. If anyone asks, that's what you do. You're bakers. The coppers in Camden Town are on our side but North or South, you show them that piece of paper"

"Tell them you've come down from the North to find work," Iduna says. "To break strikes"

"Tell them you're fascists if you have to," Tommy says. "We're finding lodgings for you but for now, you'll sleep here in the bakery. Don't touch any of the bread, it'll most likely explode. Any questions?" One man puts his hand up.

"I haven't even seen any bread" He jokes and all the men laugh. Tommy looks at Alfie who walks up to the man, before punching the man to his right.

"He'll wake up," Alfie says. "He won't have any teeth left. But he will be a wiser man for it and the last thing he will remember is your funny little joke. Won't he?" Alfie pulls away before shouting. "Right! There are fucking rules here, yeah? There are fucking rules for a fucking reason. Quite simply they have to be obeyed. Alright? Rule number one. The distinction between bread and rum is not discussed. Rule number two. Anything right, that your superior officer says to you or any of your other fucking superior officers say to you, yeah? Not discussed! Rule number three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine. I don't care. For the rest of your fucking miserable, measly lives yeah? Because I like you, am also a complete fucking sodomite. Jewish women. You do not go anywhere near them because Jewish women for you are off the fucking menu. I think that's fair. Also, my friend here, Miss Darling" Alfie walks over to Iduna and kisses her hand. "Is Mr Shelby's lover, and not one of you is allowed to touch her or speak to her unless she speaks to you"

"What if she wants to be touched?" A man jeers but no one laughs. Alfie pulls a gun out of his holster and shoots the man between the eyes.

"That's it then," Alfie says. "Forgive me, I interrupted you."

"Pick them up," Tommy says before walking to Billy. "Get them out of here and make this fucking work"

"Don't fucking wait" Billy yells. "You're meant to be fucking soldiers. You're a fucking disgrace"

"He's loving this" Iduna says to Tommy who nods.


Iduna stays to help Alfie with paperwork, whilst Tommy goes to visit Ada.

"Tell me this" Alfie says as Iduna fills in all the workers' forms. "Why are you, a high-class born girl, rolling around with a piece of Brummie gypsy scum?"

"Matters of the heart Alfie" Iduna says. "Never make sense."

"You love him then yeah?" Alfie asks and Iduna nods.

"He gave me everything," Iduna says. "I did the same in return."

"Didn't you ever consider leaving their lifestyle?"

"Before Tommy and I were officially together," Iduna says. "He started a war with the Lee family-"

"They're a fucking nasty lot," Alfie says and Iduna nods.

"They put a hand grenade in Tommy's car and Seb was playing in the car," Iduna says. "If they had opened the door before we got there, he would have died. That was the only time I considered leaving" Alfie nods.

"Seb your kid?"

"Yeah," Iduna says.

"Ready?" Tommy asks, walking through the door. Iduna grabs her jacket and says goodbye to Alfie.

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