Episode 09

311 54 7

There was a knock on the door of the Sarpanch. It was dead of night. This agitated the sarpanch as to who is disturbing him in the night. He got up from his bed, covered himself with a shawl, and moved towards the door.

The knocking was even more persistent when the Sarpanch shouted, 'Are you going to break the door? Have some patience. I am coming.'

'What happened, Siddhanta? Is everything all right?' quizzed Sukumar in a sleepy tone. His tone reflected his irritation.

Siddhanta showed him a letter. Sukumar took it from him and read it. He was shocked and sat on a stool near the door. He started sweating reading it.

'I think we have to meet him now. We cannot delay it further.' said Sukumar.

With it, both of them moved towards their destination.

The night was gloomy. Rohan, Swayam and Suraj were sitting on the balcony and were discussing their next phase.

'I think we should pick the Sarpanch next. We can get his confession and with all the confession, we can go to the police.' said Swayam.

'No, Swayam. This won't be enough. We still do not know the key person behind it. Even though they take about it as mystery Godman, but I believe he is someone from this village. We have to know about him.' said Suraj.

'We can get the information from the Sarpanch after we kidnap him.' said Rohan.

'It is not that easy. We have to think about something else.' said Suraj.

'Why don't we talk to your grandfather? He must know what is happening in this village.' questioned Rohan.

'Even I thought the same. This is not something which would happen under his nose, and he is not aware of it. There is something fishy about it. The letter must have created tension in between them, and they would have met the mystery man. I hope Alok and Venkat are keeping track of them.' said Suraj.

Alok hid behind one tree and Venkat behind the other as they followed Sukumar and Siddhanta. They were in their hoods and stayed at a suitable distance. The night was so dark that it was very difficult to track them. They were still trying their level best. A turning came. Alok and Venkat waited for some time and when they reached the turning, it surprised them on not seeing them on the track.

'It seems they took a route inside the jungle. It is difficult to track them. Let us be together and track them.' said Venkat as they entered the forest.

Meanwhile, Rohan, Swayam and Suraj went inside and waited for the morning when suddenly they saw two shadows approaching their building. Swayam was about to shout and call the guards when they were surprised to see they were let inside. They ran downstairs. As they reached downstairs, they hid behind a door and looked at them.

They could not believe what they saw. Pyare Mohan was standing in front of Sukumar and Siddhanta. They stood in front of him with folded hands while he was reading the letter. The three shook as they still could not believe what they were seeing.

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