Chapter 67 : Bald

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Zeus lay with Metis,

And It was prophesied that she'll bear a child;

A son more powerful than Zeus himself.

In order to avoid this,

Zeus made her turn herself into a fly,

And promptly swallowed her.


My jaw dropped and I stared with wide eyes; completely frozen

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My jaw dropped and I stared with wide eyes; completely frozen. "What?"

He gave a careless shrug. "Normally someone is supposed to go on one knee but--"

"Wait. Hold up." I shook my head, trying to process his words. "What are you trying to say?"

He beamed, displaying a neat row of white teeth. "Will you be my best friend."

I gawked. "Best friend!?"

He rose an eyebrow. "Why surprised?"

I unconsciously scratched my wrist, tugging on the sleeve of my jacket. "I thought you were asking me to marry you or something."

He snorted a laugh. "What!? I was making a suggestion. You do know it's another definition for 'proposal', right? And I definitely don't see you like that. I mean, you're a good catch... but you're not my type."

I punched his arm as he let out a laugh. "Besides..." He cleared his throat and managed a small smile. "You might not realize it, but we've been really close the past year."

I crossed my arms and pulled a teasing face. "Oh really? What's my favorite movie?"

He smiled. "You don't watch movies."

That is so true. "Do I get to give you a nickname?"

He flicked my nose with a finger. "Not until the next life, Chips."

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