4: Entrance Exam

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Narrator's P.O.V

We see many students seated while trying to complete the written part of the exam, Many were attending the normal written exam while another group was attending the scholarship written exam. (R/N) was part of the latter.

Present Mic : Ok listeners! Time's up. Hand over your papers now.

After a while (R/N) also handed over his paper. All the students were now walking towards the auditorium room where an explanation will be given about the physical part of the exam. While walking (R/N) was thinking about his exam, will he pass? Was the question going through his mind.
After reaching the auditorium, everybody were handed a pamphlet, and also a seat number. He was seated next to midoriya and bakugo,

"just great" he thought

After being seated he started reading the pamphlet, it showed that they had four enemies, also their was a section about minimum points to pass, for a scholarship student the minimum points were 65, tension and nervousness started welling inside of him.

"Will I able to do it"?

He asked himself, but quickly calmed down as he let his determination overcome the nervousness,

"I'll go beyond my limits if I have to".

While he was in his thoughts, midoriya had began mumbling about present mic, bakugo's shut up caused midoriya to stop and also (R/N) to focus on present mic.

As present mic started explaining about how they were gonna face robots, he sighed in relief as his training allowed him to punch through metal easily.

Timeskip to the end of the explanation :

(R/N) looked at the card in his hand, he was assigned in Area C neither bakugo nor midoriya were there, he made his way to the changing room to change into more battle oriented clothes. He wore a dark blue turtle neck and a shirt on top of it and dark grey trousers. The reason he chose a turtle neck was to cover most of his skin, as anything could happen in the arena, from a robot catching fire to a big explosion. (R/N) after changing made his way to the bus. The bus ride was quiet, some students who were friends miraculously got the same area, so they were talking with each other. (R/N) stayed quiet the whole ride.

At the arena

Everyone is waiting for the gates to open, as (R/N) was just standing there staring at the gate, he was thinking about a strategy and how to use his techniques, or will his "Rhythm Echo* work on the robots as it's an illusion? While he was in his thoughts the gates suddenly opened.

(R/N)'s P.O.V

"I should get going, the early I get in the more robots I can beat".

He started running inside the area, as other students were just standing there.

Nobody's P.O.V

Student 1 : What is he doing? Shouldn't we wait for a call to sta-

The student was cut of by present mic

Present mic : What are you all doing, there are no start calls in real life, do what examinee 1156 is doing, run run RUN

The students after present mic's call started running.

(R/N)'s P.O.V

As (R/N) was running, he came across a 1-pointer robot, (R/N) started running towards it, as the robot saw him running towards it, it also tried to reel back it's arm for a punch but (R/N) was faster as he punched the robot two times to claim it's point.

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