6: Losing hope

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Next day at the principal's office at U.A

We see all might, aizawa sitting in the principal's office. They had to discuss something, something that was important for heros and society as a whole.

Nezu : So all might what's the problem that you wanted to discuss with is?

Aizawa : It better be important because I skipped my nap for this.

All might : It's about Young (R/N).

Nezu : Huh ? Did he do something wrong ?

All might : No nezu, it's about his situation. He's quirkless.

Aizawa : So what ? He has shown his potential and has proved that he is worthy of being here.

Nezu : I agree with aizawa, he has shown great potential, so what's the problem ?

All might : It's completely not about him, the media is going nuts after finding that a quirkless student is going here. Look at what this channel was saying about it.

He proceeds to play a video that was talking about the fact about how a quirkless kid got into U.A

Anchorman : Today a very disturbing news came to us. It seems that U.A has accepted a quirkless person into it's hero course. Is this the beginning of same era when the quirked people were forcefully required to not use their quirks and to not even live freely ? Think about what happens if the quirkless people get in charge of the country, they will try to suppress the use of quirks and may even try to create something that destroys quirks. I hope U.A knows what they are doing.

All might : Not only that, people online are also rioting over this fact.

He further shows comments of people asking how could U.A go so low that they are accepting quirkless students and how quirkless people are below them.

All might : This is damaging U.A's reputation in the eyes of the public, so therefore I think that there is only one solution to this problem.

Nezu : And what could that be ?

All might : To expel Young (R/N) from the hero co-

Before he could finish his sentence, aizawa interrupted him,

Aizawa : No, I'll not expel him from my class, he has shown great potential to become a hero, he may not be a very strong one but he has the skills, training, and thinking to become one.

Nezu : While I agree with all might that this is damaging U.A's reputation, but I agree more with Aizawa. He has shown great potential to become a hero.

Aizawa : It's not only that, I realizied something about him yesterday.

Nezu and all might : What is it ?

Aizawa : The way he acts and thinks is not how a normal kid of his age would act like. No matter what kind of training you do or how you are brought up, there's no way a kid his age would act so rationally like him. Also yesterday you noticed how he able to tell that all might was hiding here in the office ?

Nezu : Yes it was very impressive of him.

All might : Indeed.

Aizawa : Apparently on the way back while you two were praising him, he mumbled quietly that "it's pretty easy for someone who's locked up for five years".

Upon hearing this both nezu and all might frowned.

Aizawa : And during the quirk test, while the students were complaining about how it's not fair to expel someone on their first day, I was going to lecture them but he interrupted me and started to say that how one can lose their loved ones suddenly and no one would warn them and how their close friends can betray them, that nothing is fair in life. Upon hearing those words, I came to the conclusion that something really disturbing has happened to him during his younger days

Nezu : I see, we'll try look for a better solution for this problem, as for now you two are dismissed. You two should prepare for your classes now.

After this the two teachers left the principal room, while nezu turned to his drawer and took out (R/N)'s file.

Nezu : (R/N) huh ? Just what is your background ?.

Timeskip :

We see (R/N) sitting in his desk waiting for his next class to start. While waiting he was thinking about how the people were reacting to that a quirkless kid got into U.A, how people were furious.

(R/N)'s thoughts : If they had experienced the same life as me, I'm probably sure that most of them would be dead. I've stayed strong my whole life and I'll continue to complete my journey towards being a hero.

He was then brought back to reality by a shout.


After his dramatic entry, students began to chatter about all might. (R/N) wasn't necessarily happy to see all might, this was the person who had tried to crush his dream by using midoriya, but he didn't let his emotions get to him and remained calm.

All might : Now in today's hero basics class, we'll be doing combat training.

Midoriya : Combat

Bakugo : Training.

All might : But one of the basics of being a hero is to look good.

As on cue 20 suitcases emerged from behind the wall.

All might : Now get dressed up and meet me in the training grounds.

All the students started to grab their suitcases, (R/N) also went to the wall but then he noticed that,
There is no suitcase for him.

He decided to ask all might about this.

(R/N) : Sensei ?

All might : Huh ? Oh you must be young (R/N). Please meet me outside the classroom.

(R/N) was surprised by this, why did all might wanted to talk with him. In his thoughts, he walked outside of the classroom and waited for all might to come.

All might : Now young (R/N) you must be wondering why I called you here and why is there no costume for you ?

(R/N) : Ummm yes ?

All might : That's because you'll not be participating in any hero basic activities.

(R/N) : Why ? Did I do something wrong, if I did then please give me another punishment, I'll promise that I'll never do it again.

(R/N) was frantic and worried. Worried that his chance of becoming a hero would be taken away from him.

All might : No you did not do anything wrong, but as you see society is not happy knowing that a quirkless kid is in U.A and since you're a scholarship student, we teachers can choose to allow or not allow you in our classes. I'm sorry young (R/N), but you will not attend my classes. This is for the greater good for everyone, even you.

With that all might walked away, leaving a broken (R/N) behind.

(R/N) tried his best not to break down there and then but still few tears escaped his eyes. He ran to the males restroom, locked himself and cried there.

He cried and plead, but nobody came to help him, no one came to reassure him, no one came to save him,
Just like how it's been always.

Author's note : Hello there, I hope you'll like this chapter I know it's not that good, but in the next chapter the story will reach its climax so stay tuned. I'll try my best to upload it as soon as possible.

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