Chapter 3: A New Home

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Days have passed since I woke up in the hospital. After many check-ups, the doctor has decided that I can go home.

We drove home by car. I stuck my head out of the window as the car drove off the street. It seems we were living in a big city. There was also a lot of beastmen driving on the street, such as canines, cats, birds, primates, and more. Such a wonderful sight I had only seen in fiction was now real in front of me. I was so excited.

"I'm happy that you're enjoying yourself son, but it would be best if you pulled your head back in because it's dangerous." Arthur talked to me as he drove the car. "And your tongue too. You're not young enough to do that anymore."

Whops, it seems I also unconsciously stuck out my tongue in the wind. Was this an instinct? I should learn to suppress my wild side from coming out like this.

"Yes, dad. I'm sorry."

It was kinda awkward to call them mom and dad at first, but I became used to it after a few days of spending time with them in the hospital.

I closed the window as Jeremy turned her head at me from the front seat.

"We will arrive at home soon. Get some rest the moment we get there."

"Yes, mom. Thanks."

She looked at me with a soft smile.

"Just take it easy okay? I'm sure you will recover your memory soon."

I was not sure about that since I was not the real person himself. For now, I just replied to her with a smile.


As the car finally arrived at the destination, I looked at our house. It was not small but also not too big. Compared to my old single-room apartment in my previous life, this house sure looks livable. It was perfect for three family members to live in.

"Alright, we're here. Our home." Arthur parked the car in front of the house garage. He turned his head to me. "Why don't you come in first to make yourself familiar? Your mother will help you out."

"Alright. Thanks, dad."

I answered cheerfully. My new home huh? I wonder what it looked like inside.

As I entered the house, I looked around. It was a cozy-looking house, definitely. It could not compare to my place, which looked more like a mess. Living with a family sure was different compared to living alone.

"Your room is on the second floor. You can come down for dinner later. If there is anything you want to know, feel free to ask."

"Yes, mom. Thanks."

I hurriedly took my step to the second floor. The second floor was much smaller than the first floor. There were two doors connected to different rooms, left and right. I wonder which one was my room?

"Your room is on the left side. The other room is for the guests."

And just when I needed it. What a reliable mother I had.

I opened the left door. A medium-sized room was present inside. For a teenage boy's room, this place looks quite plain. There was a single bed, a bookshelf with books and stuff, and a desk with a computer on it.

There was a smartphone lying on the desk. I tried to open it, but it was locked. I doubted a teenage boy would share his password with their parents, so it seems I couldn't use it for now.

I lay down on the bed and sighed. Despite being on a bed in the hospital for days I still felt tired after the drive. Maybe it wouldn't hurt to rest a little.

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