Family First

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Aden's Pov

My sexy 🍫🍑 is not depressed anymore. Even though I hate sharing her with Luke, I am willing to put up with this to make her happy.

I have decided to have a date night with her. I lit candles that were floating in water, on a dish, to set the mood. I put 🌹 rose petals, on the floor, leading to the movie room. I even had the chef make her favorite margherita pizza.

I wanted to make today a special day. Today was the day I took her. It's in the past now but, it was the best day of my life. Worst day oh hers. I regret hurting her and taking her. I wish I could fix it and show her from the start that she's meant to be with me.

I regret letting Luke hurt and fall in love with her. I just need her to know she's my whole world and I'd do anything for her.

The chef came in with our margherita pizzas and our wine. He made chocolate covered strawberries for dessert and my wife's favorite gelato ice cream.

We ate and watched Black Panther and enjoyed our date night together. Nights like these are my favorite most cherished moments. I am really glad she fell in love with me.

She watched the movie but I couldn't take my eyes off of my queen. She and our children are the best things to have happened to me. If I could go back in time I would have done it the right way and courted her.

I feel ashamed I caused her so much pain and misery. I'm glad I have the rest of my life to make it up to her. I made a promise to make her happy and loved for as long as I live.

The rest of the night we enjoyed each other's company but we didn't make love. She said she was exhausted and I respected that. I will never force her to do anything she doesn't want to do again. That was the old me. I have changed and hope she can forgive me for my past transgressions.
Nina's Pov

I think my life is starting to get on track. My date night with Aden turned out amazing! He said I can finish my college degree for Nursing. I was amazed but turned him down. We have 5 kids that need me, plus my income would be meaningless as Aden and Luke are rich.

I can do as I please now. I'm able to join mommy groups, yoga, and Zumba. One thing that has made me happy is being able to put my kids in a private school. My boys have learned so much and are at the top of their grade.

Aden and Luke are wonderful husbands and dads. I forgot to mention I am officially married to both. Sounds crazy but it works for us.

My parents are currently on vacation they are able to do alot more with the help of my husbands. I would have much rather had my life end up a route where my love life was always consensual, but I can't change the past.

Cassie passed away the report state it was a homicide but I was there. I know it was due to the sniper Aden bought to harm her if a situation occurred. The sniper shot her. I cried for a month. She was my best friend and I loved her like a sister.

I make it a goal to visit Cassie's mom at least twice a month. I usual bring the kids and just talk to her. She is really like a second mom to me and we have gotten closer since Cassie's passing. I really wish they could have spared her.

Luke official quit drinking and getting high a month ago. He hasn't been violent since. He is always trying to out do Aden which is okay with me because they are both spoiling and pampering me.

I sure will hate the day when their competition to out due one another ends.😒

Luke's Pov

After I quit drinking and getting high I sought out therapy. I never want to hurt Nina again in anyway. Our kids are growing so much and I want to always keep us together no matter what.

I do get crazy thoughts to take Nina and our kids far from here and live a single family life without Aden and his boys... But then I realize that will only hurt Nina more and Aden will surely kill me. Plus I couldn't do that to my nephew's again.

I just really wish it was me and Nina. I hate sharing her but, it's the only way I can have her. I'll have to deal with it for now. Nina and Aden are currently doing their date night and I'm with the five kids. We played games, sung, and watched a movie until the kids fell asleep.

I wish I was able to enjoy a family evening with Nina right now. I hate being apart from her. I guess you can say I'm clingy but Nina is the first woman I truly loved.

When I first me her I wanted her but I would have never kidnapped her, if it weren't for my brother. I honestly was going to let her call for me. Over time we could have built a normal relationship. I waited for her but she no longer was seen in the apartment building. I thought she moved away.

When I seen she married brother I had this instant rage that wanted to make her pay. When she showed signs she feared me it only turned me on more. When she became pregnant I just couldn't help my self.

I do partially regret the way I acted but I am very happy we have our three kids. I wouldn't change what I did because then my children wouldn't be here.

I truly have grown and am blessed she gave me a chance to be the husband and father I should have always been. I still have alot of growing to do but I am happy were we are currently.

The End

I enjoyed making this fictional book. I don't in anyway condone toxic and abusive relationships. For those of you who have made it this far in reading this book thank you! For those who commented good are bad thank you! For those who liked voted thank you!

I think I will work on a new book sometime next year. I also have two other book you can currently read. One is completed and the other one will be completed within a year.

I truly want to say thank you for following me and liking my story.
Happy holidays to all and stay safe.

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