𝑋𝑉𝐼𝐼𝐼. 𝐼𝑡 𝐾𝑖𝑛𝑑 𝑜𝑓 𝐻𝑢𝑟𝑡𝑠

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Normal in the dream thing: ???'s Thoughts.

Italicized: In the dream, the regular words. Outside dream, someone's thoughts.

Bolded: The creature's words.

Bolded and Italicized: Its a me, the author lol

Third Person POV...

The faint whispers she can hear.

"What's the last thing you can remember?"

Her tongue feels like mush; she can't move a single part of her body, but she answers with her mind.

Captain... is he alright? I hope I took the damage and not him. I think Asta was taken away too. My vision was so blurry. Everything hurts. It's hard to breathe.

Who else was there?

Who injured us again?

I think he said a name... It was [M/N], right?

I'm tired.

With that, she falls into a dream.

And in that dream, there appeared a young girl.


There was once a little girl who could only find the painful part of life. She became used to it, but she noticed that nobody else had. Her deep eyes, filled to the brim with emotions that she couldn't let out, scared them.

Instead of helping her control those emotions in her, they shunned her, called her a weirdo, a monster for being so used to the pain. As usual, it never affected her.

She couldn't help but wonder what their lives would be without fear and pain and she would soon find out.

At the young age of 9, she somehow unlocked a power in a powerless world. It was a miraculous thing; the ability to take away pain, mentally or physically.

She used the power for others in pain, but that pain didn't go away. No instead, it had stored itself inside of her, churning and wishing to get out.

And on the girls' 13th birthday, it had.


A choked gasp escapes the girls' lips. What has she done? She did good in the beginning, she knows that but what happened to her?

In her hands, there rests a man's head. Eyes would've been open still, but maggots crawled in and out of the destroyed sockets. The neck was rugged and torn, blood dripping from the ends. It stains her clothes, something she could easily get out, but it also stained her mind.

That was all your doing.

'There it is again. That damned voice. I hate it, I hate it.'

The girl grips her head, uncaring about the blood that she would have to clean.

It's your fault, you know.

Tears prickle the corner of her eyes. 'No, no, no, no, no, this wasn't me. I wouldn't do anything like this!'

The smoky figure she had tried to keep in the back of her mind comes back.

If you had listened to me, it wouldn't have had to happen.

'You would've done it anyway.' Her hand raises to grip the dead man's head. 'No, no, no, stop it, stop it, stop it, stop it-' And with inhuman strength, she crushes it, the blood splattering everywhere around the room.

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