09 - Avenge Him

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It was September 9th, 1995.

Mondays were the worst part of Ellie's week—hell, it was the worst part of everyone's week, though Hermione would be the only exception. Ellie sat alone at the Hufflepuff table, still half asleep as she groggily took another bite of her muffin.

"Pardon me, Professor, but what exactly are you insinuating?" Umbridge raised her voice from just outside the doors of the Great Hall, invoking the nearby students to look up at the lady.

"I am merely requesting that when it comes to my students you conform to the prescribed disciplinary practices," McGonagall replied sternly.

The Golden Trio immediately stood up to watch the scene unfold, with Ellie and some other students following closely behind.

"So silly of me, but it sounds as if you're questioning my authority in my own classroom, Minerva."

"Not at all, Dolores, merely your medieval methods."

Ellie looked down at her hand, the words that had been etched into her skin during her last detention just faintly appearing. She glanced at Harry, who clenched his own fist as he glared at pink-dressed lady.

"I am sorry, dear, but to question my practices is to question the Ministry, and by extension, the Minister himself," Umbridge scoffed. "I am a tolerant woman, but the one thing I will not stand for is disloyalty."

By now, all conversations and ruckus had died down, and a small crowd of students had formed to surround the bickering professors. Ellie met Hermione's eyes from a few yards away, seeing that her eyebrows were upturned in both resentment and fear. While Ellie couldn't do much to physically ease her girlfriend, she mouthed that it would be okay, ignoring her gut feeling that it wouldn't.

"Disloyalty?" Minerva questioned in astonishment, seeming to be taken aback by her insult.

Umbridge huffed in a satisfactory manner as she gave a smug look, turning to the group of students watching her. She rested her hands in front of her as her eyes darted to The Golden Trio and Ellie, the corners of her lips curling into a smirk.

"Things at Hogwarts are far worse than I feared. Cornelius will want to take immediate action."

The next few weeks droned on like a never-ending nightmare. Umbridge had completely abused her power as High Inquisitor, milking every bit to make the students' lives a living hell. With the help of Filch, she had begun to post proclamations to fit her expectations, diminishing all forms of fun at the school. Everywhere they looked, there was a new rule the students were obligated to follow, and any breakage would result in a nasty scar on their hand for the next few weeks.

No music is to be played during study hours.

All Weasley products will be banned immediately.

Proper dress & decorum is to be maintained at all times.

Ellie stood among the assemblage of students that had gathered in the corridors surrounding the main courtyard. A terrified Professor Trelawney watched in fear as her belongings were brought out by Filch, her shoulders hunched over as her feet stayed planted into the ground. Umbridge approached the Divination professor with her chin held high, her heels clacking against the stone ground beneath her.

"Six—sixteen years I've lived and taught here! Hogwarts is my home! You can't do this!" the professor pleaded, her voice quivering.

"Actually, I can," Umbridge countered in a matter of fact, holding up one of her proclamations with a foul smirk.

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