27 - Department of Mysteries

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Dumbledore's Army was mounted on the backs of Thestreals in a mere matter of a few minutes. Everyone had mounted their own creature despite some not being visible to the eye—yet, they trusted Luna nonetheless.

As they soared through the now-darkening skies, Ellie looked over her shoulder at Hermione. The Gryffindor was surprisingly calm and appeared to be rather joyful in such a time of darkness, which Ellie admired. As if seeming to feel the Hufflepuff's gaze, Hermione looked over to meet her eyes, which resulted in a deep, pink blush on her cheeks. Ellie gave gentle smile before mouthing an "I love you", which evoked a shy smile from Hermione.

After soaring through London, the group eventually got off at the Ministry of Magic, rushing in by the direction of Ron. Together, they sprinted through the massive building until they reached a heavy door with a handle at its center.

"This is it," Harry panted as the group slowed to a stop behind him.

Fear began to creep its way into the group's minds as they stared in silence at the door. A chill seemed to pass over in anticipation as they waited for Harry's next instruction. Meanwhile, Hermione took Ellie's hand and interlaced it with her own, feeling the cool metal of the Hufflepuff's ring press between her fingers. Though the couple stared forward without looking at each other, Ellie acknowledged her girlfriend by squeezing her hand gently.

Harry finally pushed the door open, revealing nothing but a dark room. Ron took Harry's left side while Hermione took his right, and Ellie to Hermione's right. The four of them raised their wands in unison, muttering a silent spell until the tip of their wands glowed with light.

A low rumble came from their left, causing the group to snap their heads in that direction. Ellie and Hermione only tightened their grip on each other's hands, both fearful as much as the rest.

"I have to find him," Harry whispered before breaking off from the group to the 95th aisle.

"Be careful," Ellie whispered as Hermione halted the group to wait for him.

They watched as Harry paused at the empty space, his confusion growing evident.

"He should be here," Harry announced to his friends, his voice echoing in an eerie ring.

Ellie leaned toward her girlfriend's ear. "I'm scared," she admitted in a low whisper, just loud enough for Hermione to hear.

"I know," Hermione whispered back in a reassuring, yet grave manner. "But as long as we're together, we're safe."

Neville's voice broke the silence with a profound observation. "Harry. It's got your name on it."

Harry proceeded to pick up the glowing crystal ball atop the shelf. It contained a floating mist that appeared to be alive.

Without warning, a voice erupted from the crystal ball, and the group instantly recognized it as Professor Trelawney's.

"The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches. And the Dark Lord shall mark him as his equal, but he shall have power the Dark Lord knows not."

This sudden declaration intensified the heartbeats of Dumbledore's Army, as any mention of He Who Must Not Be Named invoked a fear common to even the bravest of Hogwarts's students. Hermione squeezed Ellie's hand out of impulsive fear, so the latter took the hint to step closer so that their arms touched.

"For neither can live while the other survives."

While everyone was fixated on the prophecy before them, Hermione was the first to notice the danger that lurked in the shadows.

"Harry!" Hermione warned.

The group spun around quickly to face a tall figure wearing black robes and a chilling mask.

Fight With Me | Hermione Granger x Female OC (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now