17 - Broomsticks and Badgers

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Later that evening, the living room was occupied once more by the family. The roaring fireplace crackled every so often, warming up the house on the chilly night. The group talked aimlessly with each other, their conversations changing every minute.

Ellie sat next to Hermione, her legs curled up beneath her as she rested her head on the Gryffindor's shoulder. A blanket rested over the two of them, concealing the lovers' laced fingers underneath.

Harry suddenly stood up, clinking his wand against his partially empty glass of pumpkin juice.

"Hello, hello. May I have everyone's attention, please?"

The group looked up at Harry, who stood in the middle of the room as he faced Ellie's direction.

"Brilliant. Well, uh... Ellie. Before Christmas is over, we decided it'd be best to hand out the last of the presents."

Ellie raised an eyebrow as the group surrounding her gave a knowing smile. She turned to look at her girlfriend, but she simply smirked with eyes of excitement. Harry set down his glass before walking back to the chair he was sitting at, pulling his Invisibility Cloak aside to reveal a neatly wrapped, slender package. He carefully picked it up, then walked towards Ellie, gently placing the gift on top of both Hermione and Ellie's laps.

"So, Hermione and I have been thinking... Well actually, it was mostly Hermione who did the thinking. She did the research, and I just bought it. Here, open it up.

Ellie read the words written on the wrapping paper, recognizing Hermione's handwriting instantly. It read: To give you the best experience at Hogwarts. From, Harry and Hermione

She proceeded to carefully rip apart the wrapping paper, pulling it back to pick up the item in all its glory. Ellie held it carefully in her hands, gasping at its beauty. It was a sleek broomstick, made of mahogany wood and perfectly sanded to feel like butter. She ran her finger down the wood, stopping at the top of the handle that was inscribed with "Comet 290".

"Is this...?" Ellie trailed breathlessly.

"Bloody hell! That's a Comet Two Ninety!" Ron exclaimed, his mouth handing open in amazement. "It's said to jump to 60 miles per hour in a matter of seconds! Which Broomstick even wrote an article about it! It was the only thing I've ever enjoyed reading. I've heard the tailwind is—"

"Hush it, Ronald!" Molly scolded.

"Well, it's really nothing, Ellie—" Harry fidgeted nervously.

"Nothing! Those things cost a fortune!" Ron exclaimed again.

This time, Ron's siblings were the one to hush him.

"What Harry's trying to say is that Hufflepuff needs a new Seeker. I've heard the one that's standing in isn't doing so well," Hermione cut in.

"But I've never flown one before! I wouldn't know how to ride it," Ellie objected.

"I didn't know how to ride either when I first made the team. But I know a good Seeker when I see one. Plus, you'll have plenty of time to practice over the summer for next year's team," Harry reassured.

"Guys, you really didn't have to."

"We wanted to. Hermione helped me pick out the right one. Plus, you've been such a help with the DA, we wanted to show you how much we appreciate you."

"Besides, we didn't just do it for you. Hufflepuff deserves a Seeker who'll live up to Cedric's legacy," Hermione added.

"Just wait 'til we face off on the pitch," the twins grinned from across the room.

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