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"We are gathered here today to commemorate the the death of our fellow student. Ellie Evans was the true embodiment of Hufflepuff. She was patient, loyal, and just. Not only that, she was courageous. Strong. And brave. And above all, selfless. She was selfless to her peers, her classmates, her professors, and everyone around her. She never hesitated to put herself in the face of danger to protect her friends." Dumbledore glanced at the Golden Trio, whose eyes glistened with moisture. "While I never had the chance to know Ellie personally, I had some students come up to me with words they wanted me to say anonymously."

Dumbledore fumbled in his robes to pull out a few pieces of parchment.

"From a student in Gryffindor... 'Ellie, you were the strongest and kindest person I've ever met. Even through Cedric's death, you still found a way to stay strong. Your words of encouragement really helped me improve in all things magic and whatnot, and I can't thank you enough. And thank you again, for letting me use the greenhouse after hours.'"

Dumbledore paused to glance at Neville, whose head was hanging down. He cleared his throat and flipped the parchment to the next one.

"From a Ravenclaw... 'Ellie, I hope you are well somewhere. I'm sorry this had to happen. I really do miss that twinkle in your eye. At least now, you'll be able to see the Nargles more clearly.'"

The Golden Trio glanced at Luna, who sat alone at the Ravenclaw table. Her usual facial expression stayed the same, yet a faint hint of sadness lingered in her eyes.

"From a... Slytherin," Dumbledore announced, slightly surprised. "Words cannot explain how I feel right now. I miss you, Evans."

Though it was short, its word brought emotion. Hermione only knew one person who went on a last-name basis. She glanced over to Draco, who stared off into the distance, not moving or making eye contact with anyone. He had a straight face, but was clearly struggling to put on his usual sneer to mask the pain.

A moment of silence filled the room. Its atmosphere were the same of that when Cedric died. The Great Hall was decorated with black banners and its enchanted ceiling was gone. Everyone in the room felt like they had traveled back in time, reliving the events of when Cedric was murdered.

The Great Hall had all cleared out, except for Harry, Hermione, and Ron.

Harry spoke up first. "How are you holding up, Hermione?"

There was no answer, as Hermione continued to stare at the Hufflepuff table.

"I know you two were the closest. I can't imagine what you're feeling," Harry said softly.

Hermione continued to ignore him.

Harry took a deep breath and placed a hand on Hermione's shoulder. "Please, Hermione. Look at me-"

Suddenly, Hermione perked up. "Don't you ever say those words to me again!" she snapped, shrugging Harry's hand off of her.

Harry and Ron looked shocked and immediately quiet down.

"I-uh... we'll just give you some space," Ron spoke uncertainly.

Harry and Ron stood up from the table, their expressions mixed with fear and sympathy. After the two had left the Great Hall, Hermione brought her hands up to her face. She started to sob quietly, her shoulders shaking. Her throat felt like it was closing in as she continued to cry. After she had calmed down to a point that was manageable, Hermione pulled out the journal Ellie had given to her on her birthday. She opened it up, glancing at the familiar handwriting. She flipped to the last page of the book and carefully tore out a sheet of parchment. She then pulled out her quill, dipped it in ink, and began to write.

Dear Ellie,
For the first time in my life, I don't want to pick up my quill. But how can I not? I don't have anyone to talk to, so I'm doing what I do best. I feel nothing but pain right now. And I never understood what you were feeling when Cedric died. Now I know, and I'm sorry. I really miss you, my love. It's the last day today, and I don't know where your body is. All I know is that the Order took you somewhere safe. Your mother doesn't know yet. They wanted me to break the news to her, but I just can't bring myself to even say your name. It really hurts, Ellie. I should've been there for you, fighting with you. All this year, I've been telling you to fight with me. And when it was my turn, I didn't do the same to you. And I'm so sorry, my love. I wish I could turn back time. I have the power to do so, but I can't. I saw it happen. And things don't always work out as planned. Ellie, I miss you. I miss how your smile lights up the room. I miss how you'd smell like vanilla and cinnamon, and how you'd complain you always smell like a bakery. I miss the way your laugh sounds, how it was so full of life and always genuine. I miss how you'd prioritize others before yourself- my knight in shining yellow robes. I miss how different you looked in the mornings, how your hair would be a mess and your face twisted into a frown. Gosh, Ellie, you're making me cry again. I am angry at myself, for not saying things I wished I told you earlier. I wish we had been public about our relationship. I get that you weren't ready to come out, and neither was I. But I wish I would've been able to let the world know that you were mine. In all honesty, I was just afraid of not being good enough for you.
I love you with everything the universe has to offer. Ellie, please come back to me. I don't know how to live without you.

With all the love,

Hermione sniffled as she folded the tear-stained paper neatly. She withdrew a her wand to place a wax stamp on its back, sealing it. Her hands trembled as she picked up her quill again to sign her name.

After she had finished, Hermione began her painful walk to the Hufflepuff Common Room. She tapped the appropriate barrel, letting her inside. The Common Room was filled with bustling students, all rushing to get their belongings together. The room immediately quiet down, watching as the Gryffindor confidently made her way to Ellie's dorm.

Hermione made her way to Ellie's dorm to see that her roommates were already gone. Ellie's belongings were still sprawled across her area, and no one had bothered to clean it up for her. She couldn't bring herself to leave everything there. Hermione started to open Ellie's trunk, putting her garments inside, her eyes on the brink of tears. Within 10 long minutes, Hermione had finally finished and locked the trunk. She proceeded to make Ellie's bed for her, neatly tucking in the sheets. She noticed the stuffed badger and gasped softly. She tucked it away in her pocket. Hermione looked around her, satisfied of what she had accomplished. She then withdrew the letter from her robes. She gently placed it down on the bed, wax seal facing up.
Hermione started to drag Ellie's trunk to the door.

She paused for a moment, reminiscing over the memories they had created in there. After 20 minutes tugging along Ellie's trunk, Hermione finally found herself at her own dorm. She plopped down on her bed, panting from exhaustion. She pulled out Ellie's journal once more, bringing her to silent tears as she grazed her finger over Ellie's writing.

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