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Within five minutes, Ellie had traveled via Floo Network to appear in Hufflepuff's fireplace. She stepped out, inhaling the familiar smell. She proceeded to walk upstairs to her dorm to find her belongings gone. On her neatly done bed was a paper, sealed with a wax stamp. On its back was a signed name that read Hermione. Ellie smiled at the paper but didn't open it. Instead, she tucked it away in her pocket, and proceeded to leave the Hufflepuff Common Room.

Ellie made her way to outside the Gryffindor painting, taking a deep breath as she recited the password. The painting opened, allowing her to enter the deserted Common Room. She looked around cautiously for any people, but didn't see anyone in sight.

Ellie began to climb the flight of stairs to Hermione's dorm. She saw the door open and slowly tiptoed in front of it. She saw Hermione alone, sitting at her bed with two trunks in front of her, one of which was her own and one of which was Ellie's. Hermione didn't notice her company and sniffled as she held the journal Ellie gave to her in front of her. Ellie's heart broke at the sight of her.

"Hey, love," Ellie said softly, catching the attention of the Gryffindor.

Hermione looked up at the familiar voice, and her eyes widened in shock. She dropped the journal she was holding and immediately stood up to rush over to Ellie. Hermione wrapped her arms around Ellie's, embracing her tightly as she let out quiet sobs. Ellie started to tear up but continued to embrace Hermione, rubbing her back in a comforting manner.

"Don't cry, darling. I'm here... I'm here now," Ellie mumbled into Hermione's hair, placing a kiss on her head.

After a couple of minutes, Ellie broke away to wipe tears off of Hermione's face.

"H-how... are you here?" Hermione stammered, her eyes filled with tears..

"That doesn't matter anymore. I'm here, and I'm alive."

"But I watched you die!" Hermione protested, trying to make sense of the situation.

"I thought I died, too. I couldn't leave you now, would I?"

"So, you're real?" Hermione questioned, still hesitant about Ellie's existence. The logic of it all simply made no sense to her, having not ever read about returning back from the dead.

"In the flesh, darling," Ellie replied with a smile.

Hermione took no time in kissing Ellie, using both her hands to cradle Ellie's face. Tears streamed down both of their faces, some interfering with the kiss. After a while, the two broke away for air, their foreheads touching.

"How have you been holding up?" Ellie asked softly, stroking Hermione's cheek with her thumb.

"I've never been worse," Hermione replied honestly, her voice breaking slightly.

"I'm so sorry, my love," Ellie apologized, her heart full of guilt.

It was quiet for a moment as the two stayed in each other's arms. Neither Ellie or Hermione knew what to say to each other, as both felt entirely responsible for the other.

"Don't you ever do this to me again," Hermione spoke sternly.

Ellie chuckled as she saw Hermione's scolding nature return.

"I'll try not to," Ellie replied teasingly.

Hermione narrowed her eyes.

"Only kidding, love," Ellie said with a smile.

"I love you, Ellie Evans," Hermione whispered, a small smile forming on her face.

"I love you more, Hermione Granger."

The two smiled at each other. Ellie started to pull out the letter from her robes.

"I suppose this letter should return to you," Ellie said as she place the paper down on Hermione's hand.

"You never read it," Hermione gasped softly.

"I don't need to. I suppose that everything in that letter can be said out loud, am I right?"

Hermione looked at Ellie reluctantly. After a few moments of pondering, Hermione made the decision to crinkle the sheet into a ball, and using her wand to set it on fire.

Ellie smiled to her, admiring her courage. "That's my girl."

"Come now, let's get going. Don't want to miss the train, do we now?" Ellie urged.

"Of course," Hermione replied, picking up her trunk. Ellie did the same, picking up her own trunk. Together, the two walked out of the Gryffindor common room and made their way down to the train.

As Ellie and Hermione walked out of Hogwarts, it seemed as if the color and life had been brought back to the castle. It was back to its usual environment, with students laughing and talking.

As they walked through the crowd of people, heads turned in Ellie's direction. Their faces were that of confusion and fear. She heard some mutter that she was "The Girl Who Lived", but Ellie brushed it off. Apparently, word had got out that Ellie was murdered by Bellatrix Lestrange in battle. Then again, it wasn't wise to trust The Daily Prophet.

"Do they know?" Hermione continued, referencing to Ellie's return.

"No, not yet. Other than the Weasley's, you're the only one who knows."

The two girls approached Ron from behind, who was walking on his own.

"Ron. Fancy seeing you here," Ellie spoke up, catching the red-head's attention.

"Blimey, Hermione. Are you seeing what I'm seeing?" Ron asked fearfully, turning to Hermione.

"Everyone sees it, Ron. She's really here," Hermione assured.

To Ellie's surprise, Ron dropped his bag to hug her. The hug was quick but meaningful, as Ron immediately turned red with embarrassment.

"Glad you're here... Alive," Ron gulped, trying to make an excuse for his sudden act of affection.

Ellie and Hermione laughed, eventually causing Ron to break into a smile.

Harry appeared behind them, his face confused as he saw the back of Ellie's head. He placed a hand on Ellie's shoulder, causing her to turn around. It only took a few seconds to process Ellie's face before he rushed to hug her.

This hug was slightly longer, as Harry felt some of his pain slowly relieving from his body. It felt as if some weight had been lifted from his chest, and the guilt started to disappear. Ellie was glad to see him, and hugged him back with a smile. The two broke away after a while.

"Thank you, Ellie," Harry acknowledged.

"For what?"

"Fighting with me," Harry responded.

"I'm really sorry about your godfather, Harry," Ellie apologized with a sullen face.

Harry looked at Ellie with a different expression. "Thank you," Harry replied simply.

The quartet began to walk again, in the direction of the train, passing students carrying their trunks and owls.

Harry spoke up. "I've been thinking about something Dumbledore said to me."

"What's that," Hermione inquired.

"That even though we've got a fight ahead of us, we've got one thing that Voldemort doesn't have."

"Yeah?" Ron questioned. Luna, Neville, and Ginny appeared behind the quartet, listening to what Harry had to say.

"Something worth fighting for," Harry said with a smile.

In that moment, the group had hope. Ellie smiled at Hermione, watching the twinkle in her eyes return. She took Hermione's hand and interlaced their fingers together, not caring if the people behind her saw.

There was a glimmer of hope in the time of darkness. Things had returned to the closest thing to normal. Ellie and her friends were content, and that's all they needed.

To be continued in the next book...

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