28 - The Death Chamber

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Dumbledore's Army reached the door of the Department of Mysteries just in time, before all of the prophecies and impending dooms reached them. Rushing out the door in a hurry, they fell about twenty feet before being suspended in the air, which saved them from the fall. The students dropped to the floor but quickly got up in preparation for the unknown.

The Death Chamber was a large, chilly enclosed area with a massive, old stone archway in the middle, known as the Veil. Surprisingly, this room was more unsettling than the last—perhaps, it was the piercing silence.

Hermione looked at her girlfriend, then proceeded to brush the dust off Ellie's collar. She gave a silent look that meant to ask if the Hufflepuff was okay, so Ellie nodded with a grim smile.

"Department of Mysteries," Ron muttered. "They had that bit right, didn't they?"

Harry seemed to be drawn by the veil, approaching it with a far-off look. "The voices. Can you tell what they're saying?"

"There aren't any voices, Harry. Let's get out of here," Hermione urged as she took a step forward in his direction.

"I hear them, too," Luna spoke up in observation, and she too approached the Veil.

"Luna, we need to leave," Ellie suggested. "It's not safe here."

"Harry... it's just an empty archway," Hermione continued with a pleading tone. "Please, Harry."

Just a moment after, Harry perked up and whipped around, as if he sensed the dangers that silently watched. He pointed his wand at an area above him, then ordered his friends to get behind him.

The group raised their wands in unison as clouds of black smoke started to fill the room, which announced the arrival of the Death Eaters. Without any time to react, the members were immediately swarmed in a whooshing storm of danger. The whooshing finally stopped, and while the members were held forcefully by the masked enemies, Harry was on the floor, clutching his prophecy.

Ellie and Hermione were separated across the room, though the lovers still attempted to break free. The Hufflepuff was gasping uncontrollably as she kept her panic down, which only evoked helpless tears that fell from Hermione's eyes.

Lucius appeared before Harry and chuckled to himself in success. "Did you actually believe, or were you truly naive enough to think... that children stood a chance... against us? I'll make this... simple for you, Potter. Give me the prophecy now... or watch your friends die."

There was a moment of silence as Harry watched his friends whimper in fear. He took an extra long look at Ellie, Ron, and Hermione.

"Don't give it to him, Harry!" Neville yelled but was quickly hushed by Bellatrix.

Harry looked around at his friends once again, then hesitantly placed the crystal ball in Lucius's hand.

"No!" Ellie shrieked in protest, but the Death Eater holding her only pressed his wand further against her throat.

Hermione watched with tear-stained cheeks as Ellie's hair was yanked painfully by her holder.

As if on cue, a flash of light appeared behind Lucius, and a man appeared. He spoke calmly as if the satisfaction of his future actions were about to be justified. "Get away from my godson."

As Sirius threw a hard punch at Lucius, other beams of light came rushing in. A pink-haired woman swooped down to break Ellie free from the Death Eater's grip while four others helped the helpless students. This sudden movement knocked the prophecy from Lucius's hand, breaking it to spill out onto the ground.

The beams of light, now in human form, rushed the young army behind a large rock for protection while they watched the action above. Harry and Sirius were fighting Lucius, but the blonde-haired man only deflected their spells with ease. It was a losing game, even with the two wizards against one.

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