14 - Extra Guidance

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Only a few days passed before Umbridge declared yet another statute. Ellie clenched her jaw as she watched Filch hammer the framed decree above the doors to the Great Hall. Though she knew it wasn't the caretaker's fault, Filch seemed more than happy to follow Umbridge's order, and it took all of Ellie's moral strength not to kick over the ladder the man stood upon.

Education Decree No. 82: All Students Will Submit to Questioning About Suspected Illicit Activities.

Ellie rolled her eyes as she read the decree, her hatred for the woman only growing. The Galleon used for DA meetings heated itself in her pocket, summoning the members altogether. She climbed the Grand Staircase casually, her hands buried in her pockets as she went.

At last, she finally approached the wall to the Room of Requirement's entrance, her need in mind to activate it. A eerie feeling crept over the Hufflepuff, causing Ellie to glance over her shoulder. The corridor appeared empty as she shrugged unknowingly. The wall began to make way for the entrance, revealing itself to the girl. She entered the room without another look backwards, oblivious to Crabbe and Goyle's presence from behind a pillar.

Harry immediately approached Ellie, tapping his wand against his thigh with a friendly expression.

"You're in a good mood today," Ellie observed.

"Yeah, I guess you could say that," Harry chirped. "How are you today?"

"I'm doing fine..." Ellie trailed with suspicion. "Why do you ask?"

"Well, I'm going to be straightforward," Harry blurted. "I need your help."

"Harry Potter needs my help?" Ellie repeated with bewilderment.

"Yeah, I do," Harry admitted. "I've seen how easy this comes to you. The whole spells, magic, things like that. You make the most difficult spells look like something from first year Charms class. You catch on really quickly, it's quite brilliant. And seeing how you handled Hermione the other day, it proves how much better you think you are."

"And what do I owe to be complimented by you?" Ellie arched a brow.

"I want you to be my assistant. I'll teach the class first, you take a go at it, and you help the others," Harry explained. "You'll be great, I can sense it. I know you have it in you."

"You really trust me that much?"

"Well... I'm getting there," Harry confessed.

"Say if I do. You won't be a dick to me anymore," Ellie proposed.

"Deal," Harry agreed.

Ellie gave a tight-lipped smile as she turned away from him, silently standing by Harry's side as she awaited for the other members' arrival. The students slowly trickled in, their wands already withdrawn eagerly. Ellie approached her girlfriend, their beams wide upon seeing each other.

"How are you, darling?" Ellie greeted with a low voice, temporarily leaning close to Hermione's ear.

"Lovely now that you're here," Hermione grinned.

"I've got amazing news to tell you. Harry just—"

Harry clapped his hands from up front, signaling for the attention of the students who had gathered before him. The lovers reluctantly stopped their conversation, turning to face the boy.

"Hello, everyone. Unfortunately, we won't be learning anything new today. I'd like to take this meeting to touch up on previous spells, just to make sure we've got everything down. You're welcome to pair up or work on your own today, and there's a few dueling dummies stored in the back if you'd like."

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