Wanheda pt 2

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"Get out," the Grounder muttered in Bellamy's ear as they held a knife to his throat when he poked his head from the sunroof of the rover. "Do what he says," Indra whispered from below him and she, Kane, and Monty got out of the vehicle.

"Bellamy," Monty's voice cracked as he was taken as a hostage. They stayed silent at the sight of the beacon in the Azgeda warrior's hand. "Monty, say calm," he assured him.

"Monty?" someone questioned. The Grounder took off their mask and Monty ran into her arms. "Mom," he muttered into her shoulder. "Let them go," a male voice ordered.

"Marcus Kane," he spoke as his group took off their masks. "Charles Pike," Kane said and they shook hands, indicating everything was clear. "How many?" "Sixty-three in the mountains. Survivors from Farm Station after Ice Nation," Pike said. "You should take pride in the people you've saved, Azgeda is ruthless," Indra told him as Kane introduced the two.

"Reunion's over," Bellamy ended. "We need to find Clarke, now." "Abby's daughter?" Pike questioned and he nodded. "Wanheda is being hunted by Azgeda," Indra said. "Take the rest of our people back to Arkadia," Kane ordered, giving one of Pike's men the coordinates. "The rest of us will go."


Luisa followed her best friend who was gagged and restrained by the bounty hunter, going down the riverbank filled with pebbles. She wondered if he knew that they were friends but it would all be revealed soon.

She noticed Clarke staggering around until she fell on her knees, panting and they stopped. He eyed her to watch her as he went towards the river to fetch water.

In a quick movement, Luisa landed on her back and she groaned from the pain when her head hit the rocks. She slowly got up to see Clarke was drowning the hunter and she stood.

"Sorry," she muttered under her mask and pulled Clarke by the chin, suppressing her into the river. The hunter gasped for air when he lifted and she finally pulled her out to see her taking deep breaths. Her red hair had washed off to the natural blonde and she stared at the hunter.

"Wanheda is human after all," he huffed. "Azgeda," she whispered, seeing the hunter's scars. For the second time, Luisa could see his clear, chiseled face under a beard. Dragging her out the water and onto her feet, he tightened her ropes and they continued their trek.

The three reached a vast field where they hid in the tall grass. "Stay quiet," he said. Clarke began to scream under her gag and Luisa sacked her head as three Ice Nation Grounders approached them.

"Gada in Wanheda gon haiplana " (we have Wanheda for the Queen), he said and she wanted to slap her forehead in stupidity. One of them took off her sack to match her profile to the sketch.

"Giv op, gada in" (give her, we'll take her), the other said. He tried to take her but Luisa pulled her back, narrowing her eyes and she shook her head. She drew her sword before they could and her hold on Clarke released and she began sprinting in the field with a scout chasing her.

Her sword clashed against the two's and she slashed them in the leg before driving the blade through their chests. The bounty hunter shot an arrow at the far scout and he collapsed on top of Clarke.

He went over and rolled the man off her to pull her up when she stabbed him in the abdomen. He groaned, flipping to the side and Luisa took Clarke under her watch as he managed to stand.

She led the two people she had to look out for away from the Azgeda war drums and into the trees to stay hidden. Luisa stopped to check the injured man who leaned on the tree for a break.

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