Queen of Azgeda

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Luisa was summoned by the Commander and she entered the throne room with Echo behind her to find Lexa, Titus, and Clarke standing like a tribunal.

"This is what it has come to?" Titus questioned with a taint of disbelief. "I helped heda teach you as a nightblood to become Commander." "Who will be the Commander for our clan?" Clarke asked. "Skaikru isn't part of the coalition, they won't need a Commander," she pointed out.

"Adheda-" "Queen," Echo corrected and Luisa eyed her it was okay. "This treacherous act will get you killed," Titus told her. "Lexa, do you have anything to say?" Luisa asked. "You've already made your decision. You never wanted to be heda, now this is the pathway you have chosen for yourself," she said in a voice of betrayal.

"Long live the queen." Luisa nodded, hearing Clarke's scoff as they left.

"They're not respectful of your choice," Echo pointed out. "Are you?" Luisa asked. "You're Queen of Azgeda now, my duty is to be loyal to you," she explained in a monotonous manner. "Good, send riders from the blockade to inform Skaikru and the peace I will try to bring," Luisa ordered and Echo quickened her pace, leaving.

"Do you love him?" Clarke's voice cracked and she turned. "The same emotions you feel for Lexa," she answered. "I just wish you could've told me- with everything going on. Now?" Clarke said. "I know," she broke a smile and the blonde hugged her.


"Seek higher things," Murphy read the deployed parachute and smirked. He sauntered around the candlelit shrine room and approached the shuttle Bekka Pramheda came down to Earth in.

"I swear if my guesses are right I'm going to kill myself," he muttered. Becca created ALIE who destroyed the world, he slept with the man, Chris, and went off to space, there's another AI, the Flame, and she created nightblood. 'Too many people' was ALIE's quota and 'too much information' was his.

He brushed a hand on the burned letters of the dropship, saying, "PO-LIS." More knowledge poured into his mind and he groaned.


"The Grounders blockaded us, how are we supposed to get food?" Hannah asked at the meeting table. "We have to ration now," Pike answered and he waved a hand to end the conversation.

Bellamy was about to speak when the radio crackled. "Grounders at the front gate," a guard said and they rushed out.

Pike ordered the Guard to assure the civilians that it was okay and the crowd dispersed. The gate creaked open and Bellamy stepped out to speak with the two riders.

"What is it?" he asked annoyed.  The riders explained the terms and conditions of the blockade until one said, "The Queen of Azgeda strives to install peace on Skaikru." He felt Pike's presence behind him and he looked back at the two horsemen. "Our feud is with all of you," Pike told him.

Things processed in his mind and Bellamy frowned. "I thought the queen was dead?" he asked, putting a hand on his waist. "A new one has risen," the rider began. "Queen Luisa of Azgeda."

The word that escaped his mouth lit a flame in his head and drew his gun and shot them in the chest. He watched the fold onto the saddles and the horses trotted back to the woods.

His lip twitched and he bumped into Pike's shoulder as he stormed back inside Arkadia. He could hear footsteps behind him and he glanced back to see Kane and he stopped when they reached lockup.

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