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The resistance group returned to the solar-charging rover and they circled up to create a new plan.

"When you guys figure something out, I'll take it," Luisa broke the silence of their pondering and they stared at her. "But-" "I'll do it, let me just condition my mind the way I was taught," she told them. There was a look of regret that crossed her face and she looked at the ground before wandering into the woods.

"We should find another nightblood," she pitched. "We'd have to destroy a village like scouts but we have one right here," Octavia said. "It's like her destiny."

"You wanted to force it onto Luna and now that Luisa is willing to do it for the sake of everyone, you're backing out, that doesn't sound right," Jasper smirked, laying down on the hood of the vehicle. "Take a break. When the rover's charged, we'll go back to Arkadia," Bellamy said.

Out of annoyance, Clarke pivoted and walked away from the rover. Jasper was right. She didn't want that for Luisa. She wanted to respect her choice of not wanting to be Commander but she had to for the time they were in.

She heard a branch snap and she pivoted to see a stranger staring blankly at her. He began to determinedly bolt towards her and she pulled her gun on him to find she was out of clips when he collapsed. An arrow had pierced his back and she looked up to see the King of Azgeda. Roan jumped down from his post and approached her, glancing at the dead man then at her.

"You're lucky," he huffed. "He was chipped," she said, watching him look around. "Where's my wife?" he asked, narrowing his eyes. "She's difficult to find."

"She wandered off," she told him and he gave her a thank you nod before turning to leave. "She wants to do it." Roan pivoted and glanced at the gun she was pointing at him. He made a dry chuckle and snapped it out of her hands.

"That's your fault," he said. "If you hadn't taken the Flame from Ontari, she'd be Commander and we wouldn't be in this predicament of who's next." "But Luisa would still be gone if Ontari was the real Commander," she reversed. "You know she's the better choice." "And she doesn't want it, everyone knows it."

"Hands up," Bellamy demanded, pointing a gun at Roan. He turned, glaring at him, and smirked. "I'm not chipped," he said. "It's fine, Bellamy, he's coming with us," she told him but he stayed defensive.

"Who the hell are we shooting?" Luisa's voice exclaimed from afar. Clarke could see her in the distance and fireworks exploded in the gloomy sky as her best friend sprinted towards Roan. She could feel her heart expand for the two but she hid it under her straight lips.

She glared at Bellamy who had set the gun down, to not break their moment but noticed his distressed state as they continued to hug. They exchanged reassuring whispers before they pulled back.

She could see the act of impulsiveness cross his mind and Bellamy raised his gun and the bullet grazed his arm. The pain had shot to his head and the king collapsed.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" Luisa shouted and Clarke replicated her emotions. "He's down, that means he's not chipped," he replied calmly. "He'll be fine." "You're not," she said. "You might be jealous, angry, or disapproving, but can you at least respect my choice? I chose him, deal with it."


"Tie him up, I don't trust him," he said firmly and he stormed away. "Arrogant bastard," Luisa muttered as the two carried Roan under the arm. "You have to understand-" "No," she cut her off. "I denied him three years ago and I've moved on, he should too."

To settle his stupid paranoia, she apologetically gagged Roan, knotted his wrists, and fixed a temporary bandage on his arm. She helped him into the rover and sat closest to him and Octavia and Jasper sat across before the vehicle drove.

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