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Becca sat hunched forward on a stool, staring at the chip thats tentacles wanted to attach to her face. She pulled back and they retracted, giving her time to place it behind a magnifying glass.

"How's it going?" Dr. Peri Gordon asked. "The version two AI is still malfunctioning," she told her. A crackling sounded and Becca stood going to the screen that blinked multiple times.

"Chris," she called out and it buffered before it cleared. "ALIE got out," he said and it drove panic into her body. "She's on the grid and she has nuclear launch codes." "Why?" Peri asked. "Too many people," she whispered.

"Send the virus and kill her," she ordered. "I already did that," he exclaimed. "It's not working. Every backup plan we set, she was able to get through." "Go to the lighthouse bunker." Through the screen, she could see him frantically move around and the camera shut off.

The Polaris Commander, Cole McAdams reached for his earpiece and ordered the computer to call his wife. She could hear their quiet voices of the children as the mother cried in terror and it went to static.

Becca faced the window that overviewed Earth with Peri and Cole beside her as they watched the first missile land in the United States. It blew into a forest green and the others crashed on the ground, covering the atmosphere in toxic radiation.

Feeling guilt and anxiety form in her stomach, she felt nauseous from the treacherous act. She gagged and rushed to her room for the bathroom and lifted the seat cover to retch her insides.

She leaned back and sat in the corner, wiping her mouth. She stood and went it the sink to rinse her face and stared at herself in the mirror. It hit her.

Chugging water, she waited a moment to feel the liquid sensation and she grabbed a cup and went to the toilet to pee inside. When she finished, she returned to her work station and tested the urine. After six minutes, she removed the stick and it showed a pink tip. "I'm pregnant," she whispered.

"Is there anything wrong doctor?" Peri asked and she looked up. "No, just stressed out about the missiles and this stupid AI," she exhaled. Peri leaned in to comfort her and she agitatedly flinched.

She couldn't have a child. Not with the global annihilation and her project. She wasn't mentally ready to bring a life into a world she participated in destroying.

Becca waited for Peri to pack the AI in a case and store it in a drawer before leaving. She quickly moved to the furthest medicine cabinet, taking out two bottles, and returned to her room.

She set down the drug on her bedside table and sat on her bed with a cup of water in her hand. She stared at the open cap with the pills inside and slowly twirled her untucked hairs. Mifepristone and misoprostol were all she needed to abort the child.


She closed the caps and drank the water to settle her conscience. The medicine bottles disgracefully stared at her and she shoved them in the drawer before laying down. She was carrying a child. The thought raced her mind until it faded and she fell asleep.

6 Months Later

The loud humming of the compartment covered her attempts of convulsing. She sniffled, trying to control her nausea, and grabbed the ledge to help her stand. She stumbled to the sink and cupped water to drink and splash in her face. She studied herself in the mirror and turned to the side to rub her six month belly.

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